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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 12:14:44 +0000

Chart Drawing Properties

View Count: 1028

[2022-06-03 10:11:01]
Mustang77 - Posts: 122

Let's say i draw a rectangle, and i colour the border in blue...etc, then i save it as config Num TC1 and give the config a name.
The problem is this only saves for the chartbook i'm working on, if i open a new chartbook the drawing properties disappear, i have to do it all over again.
How can i save a drawing property for ALL chartbooks ?

[2022-06-03 14:37:25]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
If you save a Tool Configuration, then it is available across all Chartbooks.

The first thing to check is that you have actually saved the configuration. If you make the change on a drawing, then you are only changing that drawing unless you specifically Save the configuration by selecting the Save button at the bottom by the configuration name. Refer to the following:
Chart Drawing Tools: Using Multiple Drawing Tool Configurations

The other thing to check is what configuration number is selected when you are doing the drawing. Just because you saved the configuration to a specific slot does not mean that it is the configuration that is being used by default. Therefore, make sure the selected configuration is what you want. Also refer to the following for how to setup a Control Bar Button that will select a Drawing Tool and Configuration together:
Chart Drawing Tools: Creating Control Bar Buttons which Select Drawing Tool and Drawing Tool Configuration in One Step
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[2022-06-09 13:58:01]
Mustang77 - Posts: 122

This does not work properly.
let's say i draw a horizontal ray and call it POC by adding text to it, then i save it under TC1 in chart drawing properties.
next time, when i draw another horizontal line and go to chart drawing properties and load the TC1 configuration, it loads the drawing with the correct colour but the text is missing, it does not remember the text.
Is there a solution to this ?

[2022-06-09 15:58:39]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
For drawings like the Horizontal Ray, and any other drawing in which the text is not part of the Chart Drawing Properties, so you are adding it by selecting Modify Text, then the text is not stored as part of a configuration. It is a special item associated with just the one drawing.

If you save the text as the Tool Configuration Name, then that would be saved with the configuration.

This is in opposition to items like the Chart Calculator where you can turn on specific text items.
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[2022-06-09 16:10:57]
Mustang77 - Posts: 122

Yes that is correct, i draw a horizontal ray, then "modify text" and add a text, for example POC, when i save it only saves the ray without the text.

So how can i save the text? could you tell me the steps to follow?

Right now, i have the horizontal ray with a text, but in "manage chart drawings" i do not see the text separate, i only see the ray, so how do i save the ray with the text together? so that next time i don't have to "modify text" everytime i draw a line.

[2022-06-09 16:15:31]
Mustang77 - Posts: 122
by the way, when i save a ray and give the configuration a name ( for example POC ), which is the same text below the ray, it still does not work.

[2022-06-09 21:19:00]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38653
There is not a way to save the text with the configuration. You have to do this separate.

There are some drawings that have an option under Labels for Copy Config Name To Text, where you can then define the configuration name and use that as the text for that drawing. Horizontal Ray, however, is not one of the ones that does this. Although the Line drawing does.
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