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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 17:12:59 +0000

DOM Very Slow - Lagging Behind

View Count: 1845

[2022-05-20 14:14:33]
User836118 - Posts: 2

So I recently switched to Sierra, and I am currently using it for prop accounts via Rithmic.

I Enabled Denali, still using Rithmic for order routing, as I do have a funded personal account as well, etc.

The problem is, another DOM Product (JS) is significantly faster - for example, when a bid is lifted, sierra still shows offers at that level, takes maybe 1/2 a second - 1 second to catch up.

So... I switched to using Rithmic for data and orders. Same deal. I thought I was going crazy, but I recorded the 2 DOMS side by side, and played it in slow motion, and its clear as day (which is likely why I am getting destroyed trading this week using Sierra lol). So clearly its not a Rithmic vs Denali thing, but rather a DOM update thing.

My guess is that its the DOM update settings - for example, the other product updates at 50 times per second. Is there a setting somewhere so modify this to speed up the DOM updates on the inside bid/ask at least?

I am running 36 cores, 768 gb ram and SSD's, 10GB internet, so likely I can handle whatever the DOM can be set to.

[2022-05-20 14:57:59]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38612
Refer to the following setting:
Chart Settings: Chart Update Interval in Milliseconds (Chart >> Chart Settings >> Display >> Chart Update Interval menu)

Also refer to the information in this link:
Chart Trading and the Chart DOM: Improving Performance Of Chart / Trade DOM
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-05-20 20:20:27]
User836118 - Posts: 2
I did that, still was slower, tried from 10-40ms... One thing to note, when I said I attempted to use rithmic data instead of Denali for a test, I didn't realize I needed to say no to "allow support Sierra chart data feeds" in the trade service settings.

I switched to Rithmic, disabling Denali, and its now identical to TT and JS (Rithmic), even slowed the video down to make certain. This is not a knock on Denali's data feed, I am just sitting < 1 ms from Rithmic and TT in Chicago connected to the backbone. I am not sure how to test latency between me and Denali (might go through Aurora? But I'm in the same building as CME's Chicago network, in Chicago close to the Loop).

So, now, I have to figure out how to keep Denali, because TPO charts were one of the main reasons for using Sierra (plus your DOM is so customizable).

Is it permissible to run multiple instances of Sierra on different computers? One running charts with Denali, the other using 100% Rithmic, TT or CQG (I don't need historical data at all on my execution platform just the DOM?
[2022-05-23 13:54:53]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We do not think this makes a difference in relation to the Denali Data Feed:
I am just sitting < 1 ms from Rithmic and TT in Chicago connected to the backbone.

With Denali, we are certain you are going to have the best connectivity to the exchange feeds. Reduce this setting to 10:

Also restart Sierra Chart.

And follow through the instructions here and just use one Trading DOM for now in a single instance of Sierra Chart:
Chart Trading and the Chart DOM: Improving Performance Of Chart / Trade DOM

Yes this is not a problem:
Is it permissible to run multiple instances of Sierra on different computers? One running charts with Denali, the other using 100% Rithmic, TT or CQG (I don't need historical data at all on my execution platform just the DOM?

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-05-23 13:56:10

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