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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 11:29:07 +0000

Chart windows are minimized despite saving chart layout while maximized

View Count: 372

[2022-05-13 12:20:58]
User872151 - Posts: 19
Hi there,

Have a problem with several of my chartbooks. After I shut down Sierra and restart the application around 50% of my chart windows of several chartbooks are minimized and I have to manually move them and place them where they previously were. Saved layout while all charts were maximized.

Whats a work around to this problem? Also, is there an option to restore all charts of one chartbook with one simple command, so they are all maximized?

Thanks in advance!
[2022-05-13 13:39:44]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
An issue like this Is going to be an operating system level issue. Here is more information:
Window Size and Position Not Restored When Opening Chartbook

One thing you could try is instead of maximizing the windows or charts, enlarge them to close to be maximized and save the Chartbook and see if that prevents the issue.

Also, is there an option to restore all charts of one chartbook with one simple command, so they are all maximized?
The operating system is only going to allow one window to be maximized. This is not anything Sierra Chart has control over.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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