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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 05:51:49 +0000

[Locked] - Important Notices 2022-05-05

View Count: 3387

[2022-05-06 02:53:33]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18750
There are various important notices that we need to communicate to our users. They are as follows. They are not in any particular order.

1. If you are using EUREX data through the Denali Exchange Data Feed or using delayed EUREX data, it is important to update to the current version of Sierra Chart to avoid an issue where Sierra Chart does not have the correct server address for historical or real-time data. This solves an issue where you may not receive EUREX data, either historical, delayed or real-time. The current version is 2391. Update instructions:
Software Download: Fast Update

2. If you are using the Denali Exchange Data Feed and accessing CME, CBOT, NYMEX, COMEX real-time data and you are running an older version you may need to update to continue to receive this data due to symbol Settings changes we are making.

We determined that if you are running a version dating from approximately August 2021, then you do not need to update. Earlier versions have not been tested. Most likely they will not have a problem. However, an update is recommended or if you encounter a problem.

Update instructions:
Software Download: Fast Update

3. If you are using the Delayed Exchange Data Feed:
Delayed Exchange Data Feed

Then due to Symbol Settings changes you need to update to a recent version of Sierra Chart. We have not precisely examined what version or higher you need to be running, but either the current version or a version in approximately the last six months will be necessary. Update instructions:
Software Download: Fast Update

4. A Sierra Chart update is required for users of the Teton Order Routing Service:
Important Update Requirement for Teton Order Routing Users

5. If you are using Rithmic, then be aware requirement to update if you are using the old bridge program:
Notice: Required Update for Rithmic Users (Version 2372, May 15, 2022)

6. If you are using the older Sierra Chart/TT order routing service then be aware of the replacement Teton Order Routing Service which is a superior service:
Important Notice for users of Sierra Chart Order Routing Service. Not referring to Teton.

7. Sierra Chart has a new quality and low latency US equities data feed with market depth data and market by order data. This is available to all users:
How to Use New NASDAQ Total View Data Feed

8. If you are a Transact user, then be aware of the fact that support has been removed for Transact and the options that you have:
Information for Transact Users for Versions 2354 and Higher

9. Changes related to Service Packages:
Service Package Changes | Discontinued External Services | Reducing Overall Costs

10. For CQG users, support for market data direct from CQG for CME Group and EUREX data is not supported in versions 2394 or higher:

Originally we said this would be version 2391 but it is now changed to 2394.

This does not affect Trading. For market data for these exchanges, the Denali Exchange Data Feed is required.

11. We will be making a performance improvement with the processing of market by order data on our servers. Information about market by order data:
Market By Order Data

When this performance improvement is released most likely in June, it will be necessary to run version 2394 or higher of Sierra Chart to properly process the new message for this data.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-07-04 10:07:56

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