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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 05:51:01 +0000

Flatten Positions When Loss Rules Met Function Not Working

View Count: 539

[2022-04-28 20:11:24]
User643426 - Posts: 127
In Global Profit Loss Management, I have the "Flatten Position When Loss Rules Met"checked and my Loss Trigger is "-500.00." Trigger date was set for today "4/28/2022" and under status it says "Positions Flattened for today because daily Loss Met. Feature Disabled until next trading day in Sierra Chart." However, I was still able to trade today past my trigger amount of -$500. I'm trading the MESM22 Micro using the US.EPM22 E-Mini Symbol for order flow. I would like it to lock me out of trading and prevent me from taking any more trades when the Loss Trigger is met. Thank you.
[2022-05-09 03:38:57]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Yes there is no locking that occurs by default. It has to be enabled:
Global Profit/Loss Management: Lock Trading (Global Settings >> Global Profit/Loss Management)
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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