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Date/Time: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 16:49:58 +0000

Only getting 2 days of data on ticker

View Count: 568

[2022-04-27 15:55:01]
sbvaughn - Posts: 7
Hello, having a weird issue. SPY-NQTV is a ticker I frequently watch/trade. For the past 2 days i have had to go back to using Tradingview because I cannot get sierra charts to load more than 2 days of Intraday data. I have checked and rechecked the chart settings. They are exactly the same as the other tickers which are not having this issue. If I switch to "date range" it will recalculate and what comes through is an epic mess not resembling at all the candle structure of SPY in the current market. Not sure what to do? Thanks
[2022-04-27 17:05:48]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38580
We really do not know why you are not able to just change the Number of Days to Load and get the data. But refer to the following to see if following through the process there will allow you to get the data.:
Historical Intraday Data (Missing Data / Download Errors / Viewing More Data): Downloading/Viewing More Historical Intraday Data

As to the data being an "epic mess not resembling at all the candle structure of SPY", we would need to a chart that shows what you are seeing. We just took a look at the SPY-NQTV data and it looks fine to us.

But do keep in mind that the NASDAQ TotalView is not the consolidated tape data and only has the data for the primary exchange for the instrument, so it may be somewhat different from what would be seen from other sources, but it will reflect the general flow.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-04-28 20:19:55
[2022-04-28 19:33:06]
sbvaughn - Posts: 7
Is there another way to get Intraday data for SPY rather than Nasdaq Totalview?
[2022-04-28 20:21:20]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
There was a link missing from the prior post. It is:
Historical Intraday Data (Missing Data / Download Errors / Viewing More Data): Downloading/Viewing More Historical Intraday Data

Make sure the Chart Session times are set correctly:
Historical Intraday Data (Missing Data / Download Errors / Viewing More Data): Incorrect Chart and Session Times Settings

You can use the symbol SPY for the full consolidated tape data.

We also want you to update Sierra Chart to the latest version:
Software Download: Fast Update
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-04-28 20:21:51
[2022-04-29 14:34:48]
sbvaughn - Posts: 7
I have tried using SPY for the symbol. My candles do not update in real time on Intraday charts?
[2022-04-29 16:01:53]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38580
We have two data feeds - the Denali Exchange Data Feed which has the NASDAQ TotalView exchange, and the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed, which has our older U.S. Equities exchange from Barchart.

We are working on getting the consolidated tape for the the NASDAQ TotalView on our Denali feed, but for now you can get this from the U.S. Equities exchange on our Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed.

When you use the symbol with the -NQTV suffix, you are getting the data from the NASDAQ TotalView. When you use the symbol without the suffix, then it is coming from the Barchart data.

In order to get the Barchart data in real-time, you would need to sign up for the Sierra Chart Exchange Data Feed and activate the U.S. Equities exchange. To do this, follow the instruction here:
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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