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Date/Time: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 02:08:17 +0000

Studies on numbers bar chart are all messed up

View Count: 682

[2022-04-27 14:22:32]
Christopher K Baydar - Posts: 15
Hi -- I restarted my computer for an update. SC was running at the time and all my charts were fine. Once the computer restarted, I opened SC and relaunched. All the lines on my numbers bar chart are completely messed up now. I have the OHLC study running, it's normally just dashes, but now there are lines all over the chart such that you can't see what's going on. I tried restarting SC, but that didn't do the trick.

Please let me know how I can resolve this.

Link: https://www.sierrachart.com/image.php?Image=1651069305371.png

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imageFP_MessedUp_2022.04.27.PNG / V - Attached On 2022-04-27 14:18:29 UTC - Size: 202.68 KB - 134 views
[2022-04-27 14:26:36]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547
It looks like some of your studies got changed in terms of the Draw Style. We do not know why this would have happened.

You will need to go through the studies and figure out which ones are causing the issues. Since you state that the OHLC used to be dashes, we recommend changing the Draw Style for those subgraphs to Dash. refer to the following:
Chart Studies: Dash (ACSIL: DRAWSTYLE_DASH)
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[2022-04-27 15:14:01]
Christopher K Baydar - Posts: 15
Hmm I looked into it and that's not the issue, I just tested it. All the OHLC are "line at last bar to edge" and have not changed (I misspoke earlier when I said dashes, still new to SC). Also, if you look at the squiggly lines that show up on the chart, the colors don't match up with the OHLC colors. Further, I hid the OHLC study and the squiggly lines stayed on the chart. I hid a few other studies including VWAP and volume profile, same result.

One thing worth noting, not sure if this gives you any clues: the colors of the lines are the exact same as the VWAP study I have on a separate 1min chart I use. It shows the FS VWAP and 1-3 standard deviations. But, when I go into the numbers chart, there is only one VWAP study for RTH VWAP with no standard deviations turned on, and when I hide that one, the RTH VWAP goes away but the FS VWAP and standard deviations stays. But the FWS VWAP study simply doesn't exist in this numbers chart -- it seems to be pulling them from the 1min chart. How is this possible? How can I fix this?

[2022-04-27 15:59:16]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547
The lines have to be coming from a study of some kind. Go through each of the studies that are on that chart and hide them one-by-one and see which one is generating those lines. Then you can correct/remove as necessary.
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