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Copy Chart Drawings From Other Charts

View Count: 1212

[2022-04-26 08:38:40]
kas64h - Posts: 87
I'm aware of Sierra Charts current 'Copy Chart Drawings From Other Charts' capabilities, and they're very good.
However, I'm looking to be able to set Chart Drawings being copied to a Destination Chart (i.e. on/off), quickly with a single keystroke.

Obviously, on a Destination Chart there's the setting Chart Settings >> Chart Drawings Tab >> Copy Chart Drawings From Chart #'s, to control drawings copied through from a list of charts.
Would it be possible to do something like the following:

1) Alongside the existing setting 'Copy Chart Drawings From Chart #'s', introduce a new Yes/No Setting 'Copy Chart Drawings From Other Charts', that would control whether or not drawings are actually copied from this Chart List or not.
2) Introduce a Read/Write ACSIL variable to read/set this new setting to Yes/No - i.e. sc.CopyChartDrawingsFromOtherCharts

Thank you for your time
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-04-26 08:46:42
[2022-04-27 11:38:49]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Yes we can add these.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2022-05-14 00:12:21]
NightOwlinLA - Posts: 11
+1 on this request.

Ideally I'd like to add buttons to the control bar of a chart so that I can control which other charts' drawings are copied/rendered to the current chart.

Currently I have to hit F5->Drawings tab and modify the "Copy Chart Drawings from Chart #" on the fly if the drawings are too "noisy".

I was researching if I would be able to create a custom control bar button for this using ACSIL but I guess it's not possible.

That would be a really nice feature to have, even better if the buttons/filter feature is out-of-the-box!

Thanks, SC!
[2022-05-15 13:09:28]
kas64h - Posts: 87
For the avoidance of doubt the above suggestion regarding buttons on the control bar of a chart is of no use to me.

I have most of my charts detached with no title, menu or control bar displayed.
I need something fast and efficient (i.e. single keystroke and that's it - job done), as per my original post.

Are you able to give any kind of timings for this at the moment - i.e. Days, Weeks or Months?

Thank you for your time.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-05-15 13:10:15
[2022-06-01 17:44:30]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
1) Alongside the existing setting 'Copy Chart Drawings From Chart #'s', introduce a new Yes/No Setting 'Copy Chart Drawings From Other Charts', that would control whether or not drawings are actually copied from this Chart List or not.
We realize that this functionality already exists. It is Chart >>Hide Chart Drawings from Other Charts.

You can set up a keyboard shortcut for it. Or a Control Bar button. And now there is also a setting for it in the Chart Settings window, in the latest version.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-06-01 18:31:16
[2022-06-07 13:51:26]
kas64h - Posts: 87
Is there an ACSIL keyword to capture the value of Chart >>Hide Chart Drawings from Other Charts.
I'd like to include on-screen flag within an existing chart grid I have displayed, indicating this status (to avoid users unknowingly hiding Chart Drawings from Other Charts).
[2022-06-07 13:52:21]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
No there is not.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2022-06-07 13:57:10]
kas64h - Posts: 87
Are you able to create one along similar lines to my original request (but need only be read-only obviously)?
I.E. A Read-Only ACSIL keyword to capture the value of Chart >>Hide Chart Drawings from Other Charts
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-06-07 18:27:31
[2022-06-15 06:22:13]
kas64h - Posts: 87
Are you intending to introduce the ACSIL keyword mentioned above?

I can see in your first response you indicated you were planning to.
Obviously, since then you discovered it was already possible to Hide Chart Drawings from other Charts, which is great, and assign a keyboard shortcut to it.
As I explained above, I can see no way of capturing the state of this setting (or capturing the keystroke - the associated study doesn't seem to be called when the keyboard shortcut is physically assigned to a sierra chart menu item).

If you're not intending to do anymore with it, then clearly I need to try and figure out a way to code around it (if that's even possible).
Either way it would be useful to know.

Thank you for your time.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-06-15 08:44:23
[2022-06-21 11:06:52]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
No we were not planning on this. We are thinking what would be a more logical function to add. Maybe a function that indicates how many copied drawings from other charts, are on the chart the study instance is applied to?
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2022-06-23 07:49:44]
kas64h - Posts: 87
Thanks for getting back to me.
Yes, this is a tricky one.

A function indicating the number of copied drawings from other charts, would be useful but risks a false negative.
By that I mean if drawings from one chart only are being copied, and at a point in time that source chart has no drawings on it, then on the destination chart (where the study instance is applied), regardless of whether the setting "Hide Chart Drawings from other Charts" is On or Off, a count of zero drawings copied would be returned.

The system would be incapable of differentiating between the two scenarios. If "Hide Chart Drawings from other Charts" happened to be Off, and drawings were added on the source chart, they wouldn't be copied through to the destination chart, and the function / user wouldn't know about it.
I have a number of studies that automatically add and delete drawings from charts, so this could very easily happen.

One way around it I suppose would be to compare the copied drawing count on the destination chart, to the sum of the drawing counts on each source chart. The only issue here is that I don't believe the "Copy Chart Drawings From Chart #'s" list can be read through ACSIL.

Another solution might be for the function to return the const INT_MIN or SHRT_MIN if any (one or more) source chart(s) had no drawings on it, plus the drawing count from any source charts that do have drawings. A bit of simple maths in ACSIL would then reveal the drawing count and that "Hide Chart Drawings from other Charts" was in fact set to On (even if the drawing count were zero - i.e. INT_MIN or SHRT_MIN would be returned).

The simplest solution might be to return a count of -1 if "Hide Chart Drawings from other Charts" is Off, and the Drawing Count (even if zero) if "Hide Chart Drawings from other Charts" is On.

The above might sound complicated, but really isn't. It's just that any function to indicate the number of copied drawings from other charts needs careful consideration to ensure the "Hide Chart Drawings from other Charts" state can be truly represented.

Naturally, there's still the option of an ACSIL function to simply read the "Hide Chart Drawings from other Charts" state, but you've indicated you're not planning on this.

Clearly, I don't know the complexities of coding the various options, so I'm more than happy with whatever solution you decide upon given the considerations outlined above.
Either way I’m grateful if you let me know so I'm able to plan ahead.

One again, thank you for your time, it is very much appreciated.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-06-23 10:17:34
[2022-08-04 17:56:22]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18793
The next release will have an ACSIL function to get the state of this setting.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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