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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:10:20 +0000

chart on tick bars

View Count: 1120

[2022-04-12 07:43:16]
Daniele Bonomi - Posts: 4
hi, I'm use tu use Multicharts and set my graphs on Tick count. For exemple attached the DAX view on 200 ticks per bar.
Can you help me to reproduce this? I tried with Number of trade per bar=200 but it doesnt give me the same look. Many ths
imagedax tick.png / V - Attached On 2022-04-12 07:41:49 UTC - Size: 97.93 KB - 170 views
[2022-04-12 14:19:49]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547
We would have thought that a 200 Tick chart would be equivalent to our "Number of Trades". Since this is not what you are expecting then you would need to look into what 200 ticks means on Multichart. We do not know.

In terms of the available bar options within Sierra Chart, refer to the following:
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-04-12 15:09:59]
User75002 - Posts: 117
Keep in mind that 200 ticks on one platform could look slightly different on another depending on when the first candle/tick is started like time of day the chart is using. If Multicharts is set to start first candle at 6:00 PM ET, midnight or 9:30 AM and Sierra is not set to match, it will produce different results. Also, it's not easy to get 2 platforms to show the exact candles structure when you are not using minute based charts.

**EDIT: One more thing to look for is to make sure that Sierra is set to store data in 1 Tick increments. Storing data in second or minute intervals will not accurately produce tick/volume based charts.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-04-12 15:12:28
[2022-04-12 15:35:54]
Daniele Bonomi - Posts: 4
thank you for your answare.
I attached a new screeshot.
Is from DAx, the one above (A) set as 1000 ticks per bar, the one below (B), 200 ticks per bar.
As you can see from the point 1 to the point 2, the graph above has less bars, as it should be( more trades per bar, less bars). But from poit 2 to poit 3, the bars look the same to me and it doesn't make sense.
What do i do wrong?
imagedax tick 200-1000.png / V - Attached On 2022-04-12 15:33:57 UTC - Size: 82.99 KB - 147 views
imageset dax 1000.JPG / V - Attached On 2022-04-12 15:34:14 UTC - Size: 114.64 KB - 164 views
[2022-04-12 15:46:43]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547
Use your Crosshair and the Tool Values Window to evaluate each bar and see if they have the correct number of trades per bar.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-04-12 16:06:24]
Daniele Bonomi - Posts: 4
OK, as you can see, before point 2 and after poin 3 from the prewieus screenshot, the # of trades are correct (200 or 1000) and, in fact, the bars looks different one to the other.
In the middle from point 2 and 3, the # of trade is 0.
This is the issue. Haw can i fix it?
Many ths
imagenumb of trade 0.png / V - Attached On 2022-04-12 16:05:38 UTC - Size: 52.4 KB - 150 views
imagenumb of trade 200.png / V - Attached On 2022-04-12 16:05:47 UTC - Size: 66.84 KB - 140 views
[2022-04-12 17:07:23]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547
You are using CQG data and you must not have been connected to the data feed during that time, so it is filling in with historical data. But the historical data from CQG is in 1 minute increments and must not have the trades information in it. Refer to the second bullet point at the following link for more information on the CQG historical data:

The only solution would be to use our Denali Exchange Data Feed where the historical data is per tick and has all the Bid/Ask/Trade information. Refer to the following:
Denali Exchange Data Feed
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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