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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 19:33:29 +0000

Chart Drawings Alert

View Count: 474

[2022-04-07 14:31:23]
User377189 - Posts: 209
I have set up chart drawing alerts but i am wondering if i can have same saved chart drawing in chart drawing properties have different alert sound for different chartbooks?

e.g. I have saved a template which includes color/thickness and alert for chart drawing - Line for ES CHARTBOOK

Keeping the same template for the Line i would just like to change the alert it sounds for a different chartbook, say AUD Chartbook

How can i set this up?
[2022-04-07 15:06:57]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38547
You would either need to change the Alert manually when you are using it in the AUD chartbook, or you could setup a different configuration with just the change in the Alert number and then be sure to use that configuration in the AUD chartbook.

Refer to the following regarding saving configurations:
Chart Drawing Tools: Drawing Tool Configuration
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