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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 14:25:18 +0000

Any ideas why my sim orders were cancelled?

View Count: 599

[2022-03-29 10:35:14]
ycomp - Posts: 321
My orders just disappeared (they were on SIM).

I'm trying to narrow down the possible reasons.

I'm pretty sure it is not from automated trading code.

I guess it is possible that it could have been from hitting a keyboard shortcut for "Cancel All". Note: my orders were cancelled on all open positions, both futures and CFD, in 2 different chartbooks.

So I removed those shortcuts.

But I'm wondering if it is possible there might be another cause? I checked Global Profit / Loss Management and there seems to be nothing there enabled that could do that.

Also all orders are GTC but it is strange that the activity log shows time in force "Day", does that mean it is not GTC? anyhow the orders dissappeared at 6:18 AM EST.

This is the activity log:

ActivityType  DateTime  Symbol  OrderActionSource  InternalOrderID  ServiceOrderID  OrderType  Quantity  BuySell  Price  Price2  OrderStatus  FillPrice  FilledQuantity  TradeAccount  OpenClose  ParentInternalOrderID  PositionQuantity  FillExecutionServiceID  HighDuringPosition  LowDuringPosition  Note  AccountBalance  ExchangeOrderID  ClientOrderID  TimeInForce
Orders  2022-03-29 06:18:41.007073  [Sim]NQM2-CME  Simulated order canceled  52728  52728  Stop  1  Sell  14899.00    Canceled      Sim3  Close  52726  1        T300 S150.twconfig  0.00      Day
Orders  2022-03-29 06:18:41.007069  [Sim]NQM2-CME  Canceling all orders  52728  52728  Stop  1  Sell  14899.00    Pending Cancel      Sim3  Close  52726  1        T300 S150.twconfig  0.00      Day
Orders  2022-03-29 06:18:41.007059  [Sim]NQM2-CME  Simulated order canceled  52727  52727  Limit  1  Sell  15169.00    Canceled      Sim3  Close  52726  1        T300 S150.twconfig  0.00      Day
Orders  2022-03-29 06:18:41.007054  [Sim]NQM2-CME  Canceling all orders  52727  52727  Limit  1  Sell  15169.00    Pending Cancel      Sim3  Close  52726  1        T300 S150.twconfig  0.00      Day
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-03-29 10:38:44
[2022-03-29 21:11:47]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18726
We need more information. We need to see the trade activity log lines before these lines which show the origin of the cancellation.

This issue has been solved:
Also all orders are GTC but it is strange that the activity log shows time in force "Day", does that mean it is not GTC? anyhow the orders dissappeared at 6:18 AM EST.

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Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-03-29 21:13:47
[2022-03-30 11:31:41]
ycomp - Posts: 321
it's a lot of this - also you can see the most recent one before cancelling is still half an hour before the cancelling occurred.

(these are the most immediate lines below what I pasted above, but there are many more lines of it below.. it is from my code which adjusts the orders.. however the code doesn't have any flattening or cancelling of positions in it. I do have some other studies on the chart which does have such code but they are all disabled so that code should never be executed)

ActivityType  DateTime  Symbol  OrderActionSource  InternalOrderID  ServiceOrderID  OrderType  Quantity  BuySell  Price  Price2  OrderStatus  FillPrice  FilledQuantity  TradeAccount  OpenClose  ParentInternalOrderID  PositionQuantity  FillExecutionServiceID  HighDuringPosition  LowDuringPosition  Note  AccountBalance  ExchangeOrderID  ClientOrderID  TimeInForce
Orders  2022-03-29 05:47:45.497460  [Sim]NQM2-CME  Simulated order modify complete  52728  52728  Stop  1  Sell  14899.00    Open      Sim3  Close  52726  1        T300 S150.twconfig  0.00      Day
Orders  2022-03-29 05:47:45.497428  [Sim]NQM2-CME  Auto-trade order modification: NQM2-CME Renko 80t #6 | yTradeManagementByStudy. Requested Price: 14899.00. Requested Quantity: 1  52728  52728  Stop  1  Sell  14898.50    Pending Modify      Sim3  Close  52726  1        T300 S150.twconfig  0.00      Day
Orders  2022-03-29 05:47:43.413862  [Sim]NQM2-CME  Simulated order modify complete  52728  52728  Stop  1  Sell  14898.50    Open      Sim3  Close  52726  1        T300 S150.twconfig  0.00      Day
Orders  2022-03-29 05:47:43.413838  [Sim]NQM2-CME  Auto-trade order modification: NQM2-CME Renko 80t #6 | yTradeManagementByStudy. Requested Price: 14898.50. Requested Quantity: 1  52728  52728  Stop  1  Sell  14895.50    Pending Modify      Sim3  Close  52726  1        T300 S150.twconfig  0.00      Day
Orders  2022-03-29 05:41:20.803831  [Sim]NQM2-CME  Simulated order modify complete  52728  52728  Stop  1  Sell  14895.50    Open      Sim3  Close  52726  1        T300 S150.twconfig  0.00      Day
Orders  2022-03-29 05:41:20.803780  [Sim]NQM2-CME  Auto-trade order modification: NQM2-CME Renko 80t #6 | yTradeManagementByStudy. Requested Price: 14895.50. Requested Quantity: 1  52728  52728  Stop  1  Sell  14895.25    Pending Modify      Sim3  Close  52726  1        T300 S150.twconfig  0.00      Day
Orders  2022-03-29 05:41:11.295281  [Sim]NQM2-CME  Simulated order modify complete  52728  52728  Stop  1  Sell  14895.25    Open      Sim3  Close  52726  1        T300 S150.twconfig  0.00      Day

Do you think the most likely explanation is that I hit a key that cancelled and or flattened all positions? I have such keystrokes enabled, I have since removed their assigned shortcuts.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-03-30 11:33:29
[2022-03-30 19:26:52]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This is still insufficient information. We need the information requested here:
Trade Activity Log Analysis: Support Assisted Trade Activity Log Analysis

We need the actual Trade Activity Log file.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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