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Date/Time: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 17:24:05 +0000

Questions for new cooperation

View Count: 1049

[2022-03-01 18:36:03]
User657856 - Posts: 61
In connection with the planned changes, I have a lot of questions.
Who should I choose if I don't know any brokers apart from transact?
I am from Poland and I have no knowledge about American brokers
Are they honest?
Yours sincerely
Bogdan Nominaniuk
[2022-03-02 07:34:24]
User657856 - Posts: 61
I sent you a question yesterday, but I didn't get a reply, even though you said you were responding immediately.
Here's the second question: what about the game money?
Yours sincerely
Bogdan Nominaniuk
[2022-03-02 07:55:39]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Yes the brokers are honest. You can pick a broker from step 2 here:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing: Setup Instructions

We can have a broker follow up with you in this thread.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-03-02 13:42:27]
Stage 5 Trading - Posts: 155
Hi Bogdan,

As a former Infinity Broker myself and owner of Stage 5 Trading, the Stage 5 team takes great pride in helping Transact/Infinity traders transition as seamlessly as possible. Personally, I believe the best solution would be to switch to Sierra Teton Order Routing with Denali for real time and historical data. This is all maintained by Sierra directly, which I feel provides great benefits to traders as Sierra can focus on enhancements instead of maintenance of other third party order routing feeds. In addition, I feel it is the best overall quality and value for traders and hopefully saves you decent money!

If you open an account at Stage 5 using Sierra Chart Teton Order Routing, you will receive $0.20 per side commissions on the micros and $0.45 commissions on non-micros plus exchange and regulatory fees.

Please feel free to contact us and we will gladly assist you with any questions you may have and/or the process of transitioning your account and hopefully helping you improve your current trading solution. We would be able to provide some DOM chartbook layouts that will hopefully be more in line with what you are accustomed to. In addition, we would be more than happy to have a remote session to help get you setup with the new layouts.

If you have questions or would like to speak to an assigned personal broker for details, please call us at 1-312-896-9897 or 1-800-258-6675. You can email us at sierrachart@s5trading.com and can also contact us here: https://stage5trading.com/contact/

If you are ready to move to the Teton Order Routing solution right away, we invite you to complete an application by clicking the blue button at the top of the https://stage5trading.com/ page that says Introducing Sierra Chart Teton Order Routing - Click Here to Open an account

Thank you,
Anthony Giacomin
Stage 5 Trading

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-03-02 13:48:52]
User897008 - Posts: 48
What are the margin requirements?
[2022-03-02 13:55:34]
Stage 5 Trading - Posts: 155
Hi Bogdan,

Intraday margins very by product. What products would you be looking to trade?

Keep in mind, Intraday Margin is a double-edge sword. The lower the intraday margin the higher the leverage and larger your PnL swings.

Let me know when you have a chance and I will provide the intraday margins for you.

Thank you!

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-03-02 16:46:42]
Stage 5 Trading - Posts: 155
With that being said, Stage 5 has flexible intraday margin rates to hopefully fit your unique trading needs.

Let me know when you have a chance and we will go from there.

Thank you,
Stage 5 Trading

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-03-06 15:04:05]
User657856 - Posts: 61
I have a question about the price.
How much will I have to pay you if I switch to this new system
Sierra Teton Order Routing with a new broker?
Yours sincerely
Bogdan Nominaniuk
[2022-03-07 13:42:13]
Stage 5 Trading - Posts: 155
Hi Bogdan,

We should be able to save you some decent money with the Sierra Teton Order Routing commission special. If you open an account at Stage 5 using Sierra Chart Teton Order Routing, you will receive $0.20 per side commissions on the micros and $0.45 commissions on non-micros plus exchange and regulatory fees.

If you can provide me a list of the products you trade, I can provide you with an all in rate per side and per round turn.

Let me know when you have a chance and I will provide a breakdown of the fees for you.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,
Anthony Giacomin
Stage 5 Trading

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-03-07 16:37:55]
User657856 - Posts: 61
On Sunday, I wrote an e-mail to you with detailed questions and I did not get any answer, and today I get an e-mail from you that I have to write in detail what I want to know.
I want to know how much you charge for the transaction:
Exchange Fees, Commissions, NFA Fee on the micros and
Exchange Fees, Commissions, NFA Fee on non-micros?
I would also like to know what the minimum deposit is
on the micros and on non-micros?
Please give me detailed answers.
Yours sincerely
Bogdan Nominaniuk
Please remember that I am from Poland and I do not understand English.
Therefore, I am asking for short and succinct answers.
[2022-03-07 16:56:36]
Stage 5 Trading - Posts: 155
Hi Bogdan,

Sorry to hear about the email not making it through. Not sure what happened there, but feel free to email byron@s5trading.com or sierrachart@s5trading.com and I will ensure all emails are handled efficiently.

You can open an account for as little as $200, but if you plan on trading micros I would recommend a deposit closer to $1,000 based on the amount of risk capital you would feel comfortable with.

GC: $0.45 (Commission/Clearing) + $0.02 (NFA Regulatory Fee) + $1.55 (Exchange Fee) = $2.02 per contract and $4.04 per round turn ALL-IN.
CL: $0.45 (Commission/Clearing) + $0.02 (NFA Regulatory Fee) + $1.50 (Exchange Fee) = $1.97 per contract and $3.94 per round turn ALL-IN.
ES, NQ, YM, RTY: $0.45 (Commission/Clearing) + $0.02 (NFA Regulatory Fee) + $1.28 (Exchange Fee) = $1.75 per contract and $3.50 per round turn ALL-IN.
MES, MNQ, MYM, M2K: YM: $0.20 (Commission/Clearing) + $0.02 (NFA Regulatory Fee) + $0.30 (Exchange Fee) = $0.52 per contract and $1.04 per round turn ALL-IN.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like the costs for any other products.

Thank you!
Stage 5 Trading

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-03-09 13:54:20]
User657856 - Posts: 61
If I would like to use your services, how should I transfer or send money from Transact to you?
Yours sincerely
Bogdan Nominaniuk
[2022-03-09 14:02:02]
Stage 5 Trading - Posts: 155
Hi Bogdan,

You can transfer the funds directly from Transact to your account at Stage 5 Trading by submitting a wire request to Transact, or you can fill out the account transfer form which is provided in the account application. With that form, treasury will contact Transact directly and Transact would send the funds. Please note the account transfer form normally takes about 3 days to complete.

I hope this helps. If you have any questions or we can help with anything further, please let us know.

Thank you,
Stage 5 Trading

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-05-02 15:12:36]
User657856 - Posts: 61
Why is my account blocked if I have payment deadline May 18, 2022
Bogdan Nominaniuk
[2022-05-02 15:26:32]
Stage 5 Trading - Posts: 155
Hi Bogdan,

Once your account is funded we can activate the account for you. Have you initiated the transfer?

Also, what is your SierraChart Username? That will help us prepare for your funds and get you up and running.

Let me know when you have a chance.

Thank you,
Stage 5 Trading

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
[2022-05-02 15:32:54]
User657856 - Posts: 61
I sent a transfer from TransAct to the account you gave me in the e-mail, today morning.
Bogdan Nominaniuk
[2022-05-02 15:40:26]
Stage 5 Trading - Posts: 155

Hopefully, we will receive the funds today so we can get your account activated tomorrow!

Stage 5 Trading

Trading derivatives carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

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