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Date/Time: Sun, 09 Mar 2025 01:31:17 +0000
Numpad + default operation not listed?
View Count: 482
[2022-02-26 21:23:00] |
LudaTrades - Posts: 29 |
When I press numpad + my chart changes symbols from ESH22_FUT_CME [CV][M] to ESM21-CME [CV][M]. It's very important that I remove this key binding because accidental presses are catastrophic to live trading, and my current numpad shortcuts make it easy for an accident to happen. Loaded depth data records for ESH22_FUT_CME 2022-02-25 from 2022-02-24 19:00:00.000000 to 2022-02-25 16:59:59.576000. | 2022-02-26 15:48:28.070 ESH22_FUT_CME [CV][M] 30 Min #11 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2022-02-26 15:48:28.072 ESH22_FUT_CME [CV][M] 30 Min #11 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2022-02-26 15:51:37.889 (numpad + press here) ESM21-CME [CV][M] 30 Min #11 | Reloading chart. | 2022-02-26 15:52:34.388 ESM21-CME [CV][M] 30 Min #11 | Symbol Settings not found for symbol. Unable to build continuous futures contract chart. | 2022-02-26 15:52:34.388 ESM21-CME [CV][M] 30 Min #11 | There are no continuous futures contract symbols. Loading data normally. | 2022-02-26 15:52:34.388 To my knowledge I do not have a shortcut bound to this key. I have been through my entire list of keyboard shortcuts and can not find a binding for numpad +. It is quite a long list to check through. I tried rebinding the key to another operation to see if it appears in the field "Key Currently Used By" which it does not. I have tried to check the only related file I could find: keyboardshortcuts4.config which does not contain human readable text. After doing the above, I have concluded that there is a default operation for this key that is not listed. Is that the case, and is there a way I can remove it? Thank you. |
[2022-02-27 17:08:36] |
Yes this is correct: After doing the above, I have concluded that there is a default operation for this key that is not listed. Is that the case, and is there a way I can remove it?
We will add a new global General Setting to disable this. You can see these keys listed on the Chart menu. Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
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