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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 10:53:05 +0000

Problem with Volume by Price Reset button study, when applying it to multiple DOMs

View Count: 922

[2022-02-23 10:45:15]
ticinotrader - Posts: 407
Dear Support,

I have a problem with chart linking/studies.

It seems to be a similar (maybe identical) problem to what was recently described in this thread:

Custom Button Interaction and Chart / Study Linking (Master Mode)

But in my case, I am using built-in SC studies:

I am working on a tutorial and want to create a chartbook with DOMs, displaying the VbP study and featuring the functions of Volume by Price Reset button study.

Description of the problem:

- I have a chartbook with two DOMs
- both display the same default VbP study
- the two DOMs are identical - they were created using the Chart >> Duplicate Chart option
- both DOMs use the same chart linking >> Study (link #1)
- when the Volume by Price Reset Button study is added to the DOMs AND
- the Advanced Custom Study button is added to the control bar
- when I click the reset button, the VbP reset takes place only on the selected DOM but not on the linked ones.

I have to then select each DOMs and click the control bar button again.

Is it possible to fix this, so a control bar click will apply to all Linked charts (link by study)?

Thank you.
[2022-02-25 13:49:21]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18725
This should be resolved in the next release.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2022-03-26 13:49:46]
ticinotrader - Posts: 407
Dear Support,
Can you please let me know if this has already been resolved/implemented?
Thank you.

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