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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:38:44 +0000

Time and Sales Window - Attach to Chartbook

View Count: 1684

[2022-02-01 22:33:10]
SavantTrader - Posts: 109
Dear Support:

I've read the T&S help guide, and it appears the only way to duplicate a T&S window is to clone the chart.

Unfortunately, I already have a chartbook set up with various complicated (including formulas) charts, so copying a chart and using clones to recreate all the other charts isn't a viable option.

Is there a simple way I can ensure that all T&S windows for a chartbook look the same, regardless of which chart in said chartbook I last clicked on prior to opening the T&S window?

I'm fine with having to copy/paste/edit some config data, if necessary.

Thank you.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-04 02:36:05
[2022-02-02 01:38:53]
traderacefly - Posts: 57
Would be AWESOME if we could attach T&S to a chart the same way we can with the trade window. This would ensure that we can determine which T&S goes with which chart, especially if you have differing settings amongst T&S windows/charts.
[2022-02-02 08:05:26]
RIFT - Posts: 124
T&S under the attached trade window to chart would be great
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-02 08:38:08
imageAttach.T&S.To.Chart.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-02-02 08:38:02 UTC - Size: 1.66 MB - 288 views
[2022-02-02 08:24:00]
mrseho - Posts: 25
[2022-02-07 21:27:45]
SavantTrader - Posts: 109
Actually, I found an easy way of doing this... so I consider my original request self-solved.

Let's say I have two charts, A and B. A has the T&S layout that I'd like to graft onto B.

However, B has many studies (and formulas) and I don't want to have to redo the chart from scratch.

I can simply save all the studies from B as a study collection (with [x] Prompt to Remove Existing checked), delete (close) chart B, clone chart A (as the new B), and then import the study collection into it.

Once that's done, it doesn't matter which chart I clicked on before opening the T&S - because it will look exactly the same.

Thank You.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-07 21:36:06
[2022-02-07 21:49:55]
traderacefly - Posts: 57
SavantTrader, good to hear you resolved your issue. But it would still be a dramatic UI improvement if we could dock the T&S window to a chart. I know Sierra Chart is much better than any other charting package out there (in this price range), however, ALL of the other platforms have the ability to dock their T&S windows. It is the most cumbersome task to keep up with a floating T&S window, especially if you need to move charts around or even view a chart full screen.

+2 on docking T&S window to its chart
[2023-10-10 21:47:42]
David C Ogilvie - Posts: 2
+3 is there still no functionality to dock a T&S Window
[2023-10-13 22:56:49]
User61168 - Posts: 381
+4 but only below the trade ticket window (without compromising real estate on the chart).
[2024-02-06 14:15:28]
User45989 - Posts: 54
+1 would like this as well - my screen recording software will only capture what is attached to the chartbook window and thus does not capture other windows such as the time and sales.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-02-06 14:16:33
[2024-07-08 21:19:15]
User584421 - Posts: 1
+1 yes please. I have to minimize the T+S window every time I maximize a chart in my chart book. Then I have to go to my dock and bring it back up when I restore the chart.
[2024-08-13 14:49:12]
sean3000 - Posts: 43

It would be incredibly helpful to be able to dock the T&S to a chart. I have 4-5 detached chart windows displayed at any given time and it's often unclear if the active window's T&S is the one I can see.

Allowing the T&S to be connected to a chart like the trade window would be ideal.
[2024-08-14 01:37:09]
seandunaway - Posts: 266
maybe one of frozentundra's studies could be a starting point for implementing in ascil

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-08-14 01:39:30
imageTapeOnChart.png / V - Attached On 2024-08-14 01:38:57 UTC - Size: 47.39 KB - 20 views

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