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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 09:29:50 +0000

CHART empty space (how to make black i color?)

View Count: 415

[2022-02-01 22:05:32]
User220914 - Posts: 239

On a chart when under the advanced settings there is a check box that says "include columns with no data"

When this is checkmarked then the chart if on a short enough time frame will place Horizontal Hash marks where there are no trades and it uses the
color that you selected for bars up and down or candle outline up and candle outline down. I tried making these black as a work around but ran into trouble because this
esentially erased the wicks of the candle since they were colored black on up and down bars.

My next step was to use the check box under advacned settings labled "DO not draw columns with no data" which did not do what i wanted by not drawing the little hash marks when there
were no trades but it also changed my analytics below the chart which i did not want to happen.

I was wondering if you had a work around or if there is a way to "COLOR NO DATA COLUMNS" to disguise them on a chart and so the columm would still be used for indicators etc.

Thank you for your time.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-01 22:06:37

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