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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 13:23:59 +0000

Volume by Price using RTH/ETH. The POC/VAH/VAL run down to the next profile - very ugly

View Count: 1505

[2022-01-27 13:28:11]
knarf01 - Posts: 48
I figured out to configure my Volume By Price study using "Multiple Profiles Based on Fixed Time". I then set my chart settings to have RTH 0930-1559, ETH 1600-0929. I select the option that draws the POC/VAL/VAH/VWAP but those lines do this weird line that connects them to the next periods VAH/VAL/POC - VWAP seems to be functioning normal for some reason. I tried using Line - Skip Zeros as the style but that didn't help.

POC/VAH/VAL all should be drawn independently for the next profile. In my screenshot I used a white box to outline specifically what I mean. Any help is greatly appreciated.
image2022-01-27 08_24_43-Window.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-01-27 13:27:16 UTC - Size: 572.44 KB - 329 views
Attachment Deleted.
[2022-01-27 17:20:32]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38425
Set the Subgraph Draw Style for those items to Dash, rather than Line. Refer to the information here:
Chart Studies: Dash (ACSIL: DRAWSTYLE_DASH)
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2022-01-29 19:04:25]
knarf01 - Posts: 48
Hi John, thanks for the response.. That did not work at first but when I came back to it later to make sure all the settings were right it did! Thank you!

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