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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 04:00:00 +0000

Volume Profile Bars - size

View Count: 606

[2022-01-26 16:57:23]
Steve Leon - Posts: 311
I notice that that on my TPO chart that size or length of the volume profile bars on a volume by price study for TPO is not proportional to the total volume for different sessions

For example. The volume profile in my overnight session for ES has longer/larger bars that my RTH volume profile even though the total volume may be significantly higher in the RTH session

I assume that the bars are calculated relative to the individua sessions profile

Is there a way to display the volume bars relative to the total volume between sessions so that if the volume in a bar in than rth session is greater than that of an overnight session it will appear larger on the rth session ?

Thank you
Steven Leon
[2022-01-26 17:38:51]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38425
Refer to the following input for the Volume by Price study:
Volume By Price Study: Volume Profile Bars Length Relative to All Visible Profiles
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[2022-01-26 18:54:32]
Steve Leon - Posts: 311
Thank you

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