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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 18:32:15 +0000
second instance of sierra chart
View Count: 2282
[2022-01-13 22:52:13] |
User773775 - Posts: 8 |
Hello I requested for the second instance of SC from AMP.I was able to get into second instance but the WEB API was not CQG API and kept on changing to DTC subinstance which I dont understand.Is that a delayed data feed?or I am suppose to have the DTC for the second instance? Please confrm or cancel the second instance as I dont want to be charged extra. Thanks |
[2022-01-14 15:05:58] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38387 |
We do not know what you mean by "I requested for the second instance of SC from AMP." You have control over your Sierra Chart software, not AMP. Therefore, there is nothing AMP can do in terms of getting you setup with a second instance of Sierra Chart. That being said, you also have not signed up for anything additional from us. So you do not need to worry about being charged anything extra from us. In terms of additional instances of Sierra Chart, there are two different methods. The first, and recommended, is to simply use the File >> New Instance option. This is what it sounds like you did. When you do this, the new instance that is created is connected to your primary instance using the DTC service. Therefore, this new instance is getting the data and trading from the main instance. But apart from this, it is it's own separate installation of Sierra Chart. In this case, you do not need to do anything for the setup to your trading service. Refer to the following for more information: File Menu: New Instance (File) The other method is to actually install another installation of Sierra Chart in its own folder. This installation will need to connect to the data and trade service on its own. This could mean that you would have multiple connections to your trading/data service which may not be allowed. You would need to ensure that you setup this installation to connect to your data/trade service. For more information, refer to the following: Using Multiple Data and Trading Services at the Same Time For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2022-01-14 17:03:43] |
User773775 - Posts: 8 |
Thank you for the response.That being said my primary data is from CQG API.So when second instance happens it goes to DTC service why does it not change to CQG API?I am just concerned AMP fures is charging extra for the second instance on the monthly basis and when I ask these questions they refer me to sierra chart.I am not sure what is happening but what I am understanding is I could have gone for the second instance without talking to AMP futures.On the other hand I needed the second username and pass word that was given by amp futures for the second instance. Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks Homaira |
[2022-01-14 20:12:36] |
John - SC Support - Posts: 38387 |
Since you are using the option File >> New Instance this gives you a second instance of Sierra Chart, but it gets the data and places trades through the main instance. It does this by using the DTC protocol, which is why the only option in the Sub-Instance for the connected service is DTC - Sub Instance and you can not change it. You can have as many of these sub-instances running at one time as you want, and it will not impact your data connections, as there is only one instance getting the data and then serving it out to the other sub-instances. The only reason to do something different is if you want to trade 2 different accounts with different strategies. In this case, you would want to have a separate Sierra Chart installation in order to connect one Sierra Chart to one trading account and the other Sierra Chart to the other trading account. In this case, you would be making multiple connections to your data service, so you might need to have a second connection available. From what you have said, it sounds like the first situation is all you need. In which case, we do not know why you needed to get a second Username/Password from AMP, or what that is for in this particular case. For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing |
[2022-01-14 22:43:49] |
User773775 - Posts: 8 |
Thanks again for taking the time to respond.I emailed AMP futures that they don'tcharge me for the extra connection fee and for username and password.I hope they understand. Regards Homaira |
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