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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 01:44:54 +0000

Quote Board Volume

View Count: 534

[2022-01-09 23:47:31]
User445772 - Posts: 3
Good day,
I received a .cht (chart) file and saved it into the data folder
All the charts open without any issues.
The only thing that is not populating are the volume totals.
I have tried numerous methods but still having issues.
Using delayed data.
Please help.
[2022-01-10 07:00:38]
Tony - Posts: 550
I believe the volume showed in Quote Board received data from
a broker, without live data, you won't get any real volume #

You can only get daily volume by calculating the accumulative
volume of all bars printed in current day. Here was the discussion:

Display total volume for the day as text on the chart
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-10 07:01:26
[2022-01-10 15:27:05]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Make sure the symbols in the Quote Boards are correct. Translate them with this Edit menu command:
Edit Menu: Edit >> Translate Symbols To Current Service
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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