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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 01:30:00 +0000

display vertical volume by chart

View Count: 628

[2022-01-08 18:06:50]
User278398 - Posts: 291
i saw in some video that some one which press on TRADE -> "show data market colums"
and then he got the volume inside the chart like in the attach pic file.
when i do that i dont get the volume as he got.

what i need to do to get the same display?
image1.png / V - Attached On 2022-01-08 18:06:16 UTC - Size: 337.61 KB - 158 views
[2022-01-10 15:39:39]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38380
In that particular image, what you have circled is a Volume by Price study that is right-aligned. Refer to the following:
Volume By Price Study: Right Aligning Volume Profiles with Space on Right Side of Chart

And also refer to the section right after the above, which gives instructions to put on a single right-aligned profile.


There is also the ability to display a profile for the data in the DOM Columns. Refer to the following for this:
Global Trade Settings Windows: Show Volume Bars (Trade >> Customize Chart/Trade DOM Columns)
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