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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:08:55 +0000

Feature Req for Extend closes till intersected study

View Count: 477

[2021-12-10 12:33:24]
User21243 - Posts: 48
Is it possible to add an additional option to this study?

Would like to have it NOT display lines or labels on gaps that are already closed.

Could just add an additional option to it. -- see pic "SCRemove1"

See chart of example of why I'm looking to have this option -- pic "SCRemove2"

If that's not possible, is it possible to at least have option to remove the label when intersected?

Would prefer that both lines and labels get removed once the gap closes if that's possible.

imageSCRemove1.png / V - Attached On 2021-12-10 12:32:55 UTC - Size: 31.05 KB - 155 views
imageSCRemove2.png / V - Attached On 2021-12-10 12:33:02 UTC - Size: 61.12 KB - 143 views
[2021-12-10 17:10:03]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
We have set this as a Feature Request.
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[2024-06-30 16:46:32]
User21243 - Posts: 48
any update on this?
[2024-06-30 18:59:46]
User21243 - Posts: 48
Actually, it would be better if you could just enable the ability to have the "Name label" and "Value label" display properly

If this worked (and could be copied via study overlay) then it would solve all of the issues with it.

See pic SC1

Thoughts on that?
imagesc1.jpg / V - Attached On 2024-06-30 18:58:58 UTC - Size: 687.54 KB - 27 views
[2024-06-30 19:08:29]
User21243 - Posts: 48
scratch that ---

When you use study overlay it is still copying "some" of the previous intersected lines.

Some get copied over and some do not.

if possible.

1. Input added to remove intersected lines

2. enable the ability to have the "Name label" and "Value label" display properly

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