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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 06:43:38 +0000
[Programming Help] - Multiple stops to Break Even ASCIL
View Count: 712
[2021-11-28 23:54:02] |
JDCII2112 - Posts: 21 |
Hello, I am trying to code/replicate what happens when I enter a position and use the attached targets window settings. I have the position split into 2 separate stops. Both activate with the same Trigger Offset, 12 in the case below. However one has a BE Level offset of 6 and the other of 1. This works using the attached orders window. However I am trying to use the following code and it will attach and move the 2 orders once the Trigger Offset is met, however it moves both stops to 6 instead of splitting them to 6 and 1. Am I using the correct NewOrder.MoveToBreakEven.Type? Below is my code: { s_SCNewOrder NewOrder; NewOrder.OrderQuantity = Position_Size.GetInt(); NewOrder.OrderType = SCT_ORDERTYPE_MARKET; NewOrder.TimeInForce = SCT_TIF_GOOD_TILL_CANCELED; //EXIT I NewOrder.Stop1Offset = Initial_Stop.GetInt()*sc.TickSize; NewOrder.AttachedOrderStop1Type = SCT_ORDERTYPE_STOP; NewOrder.OCOGroup1Quantity = Position_Size.GetInt()/2; NewOrder.MoveToBreakEven.Type =MOVETO_BE_ACTION_TYPE_OFFSET_TRIGGERED; NewOrder.MoveToBreakEven.TriggerOffsetInTicks = 12; NewOrder.MoveToBreakEven.BreakEvenLevelOffsetInTicks = 1; NewOrder.Stop2Offset = Initial_Stop.GetInt()*sc.TickSize; NewOrder.AttachedOrderStop2Type = SCT_ORDERTYPE_STOP; NewOrder.OCOGroup2Quantity = Position_Size.GetInt()/2; NewOrder.MoveToBreakEven.TriggerOffsetInTicks = 12; NewOrder.MoveToBreakEven.BreakEvenLevelOffsetInTicks = 6; sc.BuyEntry(NewOrder); } Thanks for your help |
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