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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Mar 2025 10:45:30 +0000

SMS alert messages substantially delayed

View Count: 535

[2021-11-04 15:46:05]
mattvk - Posts: 33
I have both SMS and Twitter alerts set up for order fills, and while the Twitter messages are near instant, the SMS messages are being delayed any where from 5 mins to an hour or more after order execution.

This is a huge problem, as I have these alerts set up on an automated account and am not always glued to the screen. I almost had a heart attack yesterday when I got an SMS order fill alert after RTH, which turned out to be for an order executed 45mins earlier.

Is this a know bug, and is there a fix client side if so? Thanks.
[2021-11-04 17:10:37]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
There is nothing we can do about the delay in SMS. It just is what it is. Sometimes they go quickly and sometimes they do not.
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