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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 20:20:00 +0000

New broker

View Count: 510

[2021-10-21 14:05:13]
User260573 - Posts: 1
I have a new broker but when I try to pay for the monthly Sierra fee my old broker information is what populates because the system recognizes my email address. How do I get my new broker information to populate so that I could pay them?
[2021-10-21 14:51:36]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
You have us somewhat confused. When it comes to the information for your account that is on our website (Account Name, Address, Email, etc.) those do not have anything to do with your broker, unless you had entered that information yourself. We just checked your information to ensure that you did not have any broker specific information, and you do not.

And your broker has nothing to do with your payments to Sierra Chart. We stopped the ability to pay through a broker several months ago.

The only thing we can think is that you are referencing the information within your Sierra Chart software for the Data/Trade Service Settings. Those could be set to your previous brokers information. You will just need to change those for your new information. There is nothing there that can not be changed.

In order to make a payment to Sierra Chart, you will need to go to the following link and enter your Account Name and Password to login to the Sierra Chart website - just as you did to post to this Support Board:

Also refer to the following instructions for making a payment and selecting a service package:
Sierra Chart Purchase and License Information: Instructions
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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