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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 10:14:59 +0000

Config Duplicate Control Bar Buttons

View Count: 1520

[2021-09-21 20:58:02]
BobM - Posts: 4
I want to put two tool buttons on the Customized Control Bar with two different tool configurations. Oh yes, I’ve read the SC docs maybe 10 times over as many months, but I’m missing something.
To document my effort before posting this, I put 2 buttons on the Bar, each for the “Arrow” tool. My process was:
Right click Control Bar>Customize Control Bar 1>Available Control Bar Commands>Tools>Arrow>Add.
Then: Global Settings>Tools Config> Arrow Config> I set TC1-TC8 all to green line, width 1.
Then: Global Settings> Customize Control Bar> Customize Control Bar 1> Select Arrow Tool/Arrow>Properties > Reset. Then changed color to Green.
Clicking on the green Arrow button on Command Bar 1 allows drawing of green arrow!!!
Adding Second Button: Right Click Control Bar> Customize Control Bar 1> Tools-Custom Drawing Tools> Custom Drawing Tool 4> Add> OK
Then: Right Click Control Bar> Customize Control Bar 1>Select Custom Drawing Tool 4> Properties> Reset> set color to red> OK.
Then: Global Settings>Tool Config>Arrow Config>[TC1 is set to green line width 1] I set TC2 to Red line width 4> Save>OK.
Then: Clicking on Green button on Command bar allows drawing a red arrow. Clicking on the red button allows drawing a red arrow.
Then: Right Click Control Bar> Customize Control Bar 1>Select Custom Drawing Tool 4>(selecting it)>Set Custom Tool....shows Custom Drawing Tool 4, Arrow, Tool Config 2.
Then: Global Settings>Tool Config>Arrow Config>(TC1 is set to green line width 1, TC2 is set to Red line width 4) Then clicking on TC1> Load> Save> OK, green button still allows red arrow only.
What am I missing? Why can’t I click on the green button and draw a green arrow and click on the red button and draw a red arrow?
[2021-09-22 05:46:32]
Tonkadad - Posts: 235
Chart Drawing Tools: Creating Control Bar Buttons which Select Drawing Tool and Drawing Tool Configuration in One Step

You may have already seen these instructions.
[2021-09-22 13:21:42]
BobM - Posts: 4
Thanks for your response. I think I followed those instructions exactly as outlined in my post.
[2021-09-22 14:58:32]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
The account from which you are posting is expired. We will not give support for expired accounts. If you have another account that is active that you are using, then please post from that active account and let us know when that is done.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-09-22 14:58:41
[2021-09-22 16:48:33]
User180397 - Posts: 15
Thank you. I have posted this via my other account.
[2021-09-22 17:13:23]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
It is very hard for us to follow the information you have provided, although we do appreciate the effort.

In general, it can be hard to follow what needs to happen, but the general idea is simply that you are tying a Control Bar button to a tool AND configuration for that tool. So you need to ensure that you have your configurations set properly and that the Control Bar buttons are referencing the right configurations.

Therefore, in your case, you need to have Tool Configuration 1 for the Arrow tool to have a Green color and Tool Configuration 2 for the Arrow tool to have a Red Color. Then when setting up the Control Bar Buttons, you set the following:
- Tool Button 1: Arrow; TC1
- Tool Button 2: Arrow; TC2

It sounds like you have the general setup correct, but something is missing from what we have gone over above.
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[2021-09-23 20:33:26]
User180397 - Posts: 15
I have taken all buttons associated with drawing tools off my command bar before doing this experiment. Please try this. Put a button for a vertical line on the control bar. [Default config for Vertical line is a green solid line, in all TC#s.] Set Global Settings> Tool Config> Vertical line> TC1, as a yellow line. Click load. This works as intended and per documentation with the button on the command bar.
Now add Custom Drawing Tool 1 on the control bar and associate it to a vertical line. Set Custom Tool to Config 2, which is a green line. Now attempt to draw a yellow line with the first button, and tell me why you can’t after the first try. My platform defaults back to TC2 for both command line buttons. Am I missing a switch somewhere, or am I missing some other instruction, or is this a bug in the software? Please advise.
[2021-09-24 17:44:45]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
This definitely works properly if everything is done properly. We are not sure exactly where the issue lies, but it has something to do with your setup.

Make sure you are saving the configurations that you are changing. Refer to the information here:
Chart Drawing Tools: Drawing Tool Configuration

And be sure you select the correct configuration with the tool when setting up the Control Bar buttons.
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[2021-09-24 22:48:35]
User180397 - Posts: 15
I understand your position. From my side, I’ve tried to do everything to discover the [or my] error, reading and rereading the documentation multiple times over months. I’ve deleted buttons and added them again. I’ve played with many isolated aspects of the issue/setup multiple times. I’ve narrowed the issue down to not being able to get two unique tool configs recognized on their assigned duplicate tool buttons.
I’m left with several paths.
1)  I’m missing something in the documentation and doing the setup wrong. After all the time and effort I’ve put into this issue, I’d be surprised if that was the case, but I’d love to find the error if it's me.
2)  My program has a bug. In your experience can an individual installations of SC have bugs that makes it not preform correctly? Could I have done something that messed with the drawing code? (I’m not a programmer and don’t know who how to access any code in the program.)
What do I do now? I notice an “Accept Remote Access” button on the help menu. Is that an option? I’ve love to watch someone remotely do on my computer, what I’ve been unable to do for months. Assuming, that person would not be able to get it to work either, what would the conclusion be? Would a simple reinstall recommended? I running version 2299 and I think I’ve updated it within the last several months.
[2021-09-26 16:09:12]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
We are certain that this is a simple misconfiguration issue. It is not possible to have a bug in one system that is not present in all of them. The only time that something like this can happen is if you are out of disk space.

The first thing we would like for you to do is to get us a copy of your Sierra4.config file. It is located in your main Sierra Chart installation folder (typically C:\SierraChart). We'll take a look at that, which contains your configuration setup and see what we can see. Follow these instructions to get us your file:

If necessary, we will setup a time for us to connect and look at what is happening on your system.
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[2021-09-28 02:57:45]
User180397 - Posts: 15
Thank you for the suggestions. I may need to do that in time. In the meantime, I have "pounded" my way to a solution! I don't see this documented as I have done it, at least not explicitly.
First, if you want a button on the Command Bar to activate say the line tool, that's easy. The configs can be easily change as documented.
The issue is adding another button for another config of the same tool. What I have found is that the original button (Available Control Bar Commands >Line Tool>Add> Selected CB commands - as documented), becomes a problem when you add just one "Custom Tool" button to deal with a second config of that original tool (ie, Line Tool). Somehow the original button is pointed to the configs for any Custom Tool buttons, when they are configured as a Line Tool. The solution is to simply delete the original tool button. Config the tool as you would like at Global Settings>Tool Config, then for each iteration of the tool with a unique config, add Custom Tool buttons for each. Each button is then configured under Set Custom Tool. If this is in the documentation, discussed in any straightforward way, I'd love to see where.
I'm also curious about Available CB Commands>Tools>Tool Config2 l Tool\nCfg2 . I used this tool set at times last weekend trying for a solution and it somehow worked for a while and then didn’t. I didn’t find documentation (at least easily) about what these are used for. What does Tool Config 2 mean, and then what does \nCfg2 mean? What is this tool set intended to do?
[2021-09-28 15:35:38]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
The information for how to create different Control Bar Buttons for tools with different configurations is at the following link, which specifies that you need to use the Tools - Custom Drawing Tools items.
Chart Drawing Tools: Creating Control Bar Buttons which Select Drawing Tool and Drawing Tool Configuration in One Step


The Tool\nCfg2 is the Caption (or name) of the button. The \n is a New Line character, such that the name will show up on two lines, like the following:
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[2021-09-29 18:31:10]
User180397 - Posts: 15
Thank you for your prior help with my Custom Tools Buttons issue. I have one small question now. On my Command Bar I have (single) Tool Buttons that are tied to one tool and just one configuration of the tool. I also have Custom Tool Buttons on my Command Bar which are associated with tools that have multiple configurations: one button for each unique configuration of the same tool. I can name the Tool Buttons and Custom Tool buttons and color them under the Control Bar Button Properties window. I can put an image of the tool on the Tool Button and color that button. So far so good.

Where I'm now stuck is putting an image on the Custom Tool Button. When I highlight the Custom Tool and the open the Control Button Properties, if I select “Image” from the Caption/Image drop down and add a color, the result, in my case, is "CDT8" inside an orange button on the Command Bar.

So I deduce the Control Bar Button Properties dialog box recognizes the Custom Tool Buttons and can color them. It will also take my text and apply that to the Custom Tool Button. I notice I can set an image for the “Set Image” option, but not the “Reset” default image option. First, is there a way to easily set the default tool image for a Custom Tool Button? If not, is there a way to view the many image files all at once so I can avoid loading them all one at a time to see if I can find the appropriate one?
[2021-09-29 23:19:08]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
First, is there a way to easily set the default tool image for a Custom Tool Button?

Refer to Step #10 here:
Control Bar: Control Bar Button Properties

is there a way to view the many image files all at once so I can avoid loading them all one at a time to see if I can find the appropriate one?

The files that we send with Sierra Chart are located in the directory ...\SierraChart\Graphics\Buttons where ... is wherever you have installed your Sierra Chart to (typically this would be C:).

You can view the files in there and then decide what you want to use. You can also add any images you want to use yourself.

Refer to the information in the rest of the section referred to above.
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