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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 22:23:54 +0000

How to change the horizontal grid lines plotting

View Count: 1412

[2021-09-02 16:26:52]
raheemrazzak - Posts: 41

Currently, my grid lines are plotting at xxxx.50, instead of this I want them to plot at xxxx.00. Can I make this change? In the scale settings, I can only change its increments.

I have attached the screenshot of my grid settings and screenshot of the grid from my chart.
Thank You
imagegrid.png / V - Attached On 2021-09-02 16:22:07 UTC - Size: 5.47 KB - 326 views
imagegridsettings.png / V - Attached On 2021-09-02 16:22:54 UTC - Size: 39.17 KB - 240 views
Attachment Deleted.
[2021-09-02 18:36:49]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38289
You need to change the Horizontal Grid Line Increment to get what you want. A value of 1.00 should do it. Refer to the information here:
Chart Scale and Scale Adjusting: Horizontal Grid Line Increment (Scale Settings)
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[2021-09-02 19:04:47]
raheemrazzak - Posts: 41
Hi John,

I tried to do this but it increments the value by 1. So my grids are xxx1.50, xxx2.50, xxx3.50 instead of this I want xxx1.00, xxx2.00, xxx3.00...

Sorry if my question is not clear enough, if you want more clarity I can post a screenshot explaining my point better.

Thank You
[2021-09-02 19:19:22]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38289
We understand that it is currently showing on the x.50 values. Setting the Horizontal Grid Line Increment to a value of 1.00 should have made the grid lines show up on the whole value numbers x.00.

Make sure you actually changed the Horizontal Grid Line Increment and not the Scale Increment.

If you are still not able to get what you expect, then get us your Chart by following these instructions:
Support Board Posting Information: Providing Chartbook with Only a Single Chart
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[2021-09-02 20:15:48]
raheemrazzak - Posts: 41
Hi John,

I confirmed that I'm changing the Horizontal Grid and not Scale Increment. When I keep it 0, it is plotting grids at x.50 values and when I keep it as 1 it is plotting at x.25 values. My Scale Increment value is set to default O. I am attaching the chart based on the instructions.

Thank You
attachmentChartbook3.Cht - Attached On 2021-09-02 20:14:41 UTC - Size: 3.55 KB - 280 views
[2021-09-02 21:53:02]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38289
When we open your chartbook the grid lines were aligned to the whole numbers, as it should be. So we are confused why you are not getting the same result.

Can you please attach your Sierra4.config file to this thread. It is located in the main Sierra Chart directory (typically C:\SierraChart). This contains your settings, so we are hoping there may be something in there that is causing this (although we do not know what). If desired, you can attach the file privately (not that there is any account or personal information in the file).
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-09-02 22:36:07]
raheemrazzak - Posts: 41
Hi John,

I'm attaching my Sierra4.config file.

really appreciate the support.

Thank You
attachmentSierra4.config - Attached On 2021-09-02 22:35:19 UTC - Size: 343.75 KB - 384 views
[2021-09-03 14:30:58]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38289
The reason you are seeing what you are is because you have the setting for Trade >> Chart DOM Settings >> Extend Chart Horizontal Grid Onto Chart DOM set to Yes. When this is the case, the lines are drawn just above or below the numbers in order to not cross through where the actual numbers are displayed. If you set this to No and set the Horizontal Grid Line Increment to 1.00, then you will get the grid showing where you want (albeit, not in the DOM).

Refer to the information for this setting here:
Global Trade Settings Windows: Extend Chart Horizontal Grid onto Chart DOM (Global Settings >> Chart DOM Settings >> Other >> Other Settings)
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-09-03 15:54:09]
raheemrazzak - Posts: 41
Thank You Very much. This resolves my issue.

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