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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 19:15:26 +0000

Market Depth Historical Data download problems

View Count: 869

[2021-08-28 19:16:05]
User465996 - Posts: 7
I have problems with data gaps in my Market Depth Historical Graph study. I have enabled "Record Market Depth Data" in the "Symbol Settings" for "ES?##_FUT_CME". I have enabled "Support Downloading Historical Market Depth Data" in "Sierra Chart Server Settings". I right click on the chart location where I want to fill in the data and click "Download Depth Data From Date Time". It shows the the Depth files downloading but when it is finished the gap remains. I go to "Chart: Reload and Recalculate" and it downloads all the files again but still the gap remains. I have updated Sierra to the latest version and still no help. I have the Advanced Package with Denali Data Feed and CME with Market Depth for nonprofessional Trading accounts. I have searched all the available topics but cannot find a solution. Please advise.
[2021-08-31 13:45:24]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
What is your setting for Global Settings >> Server Settings >> Max Historical Market Depth Days to Download set to? The default is 15. Make sure it is not 0 or 1 or some other small number. And double check to ensure that the setting for Support Downloading Historical Market Depth Data is set to Yes.

If these are set properly, then we need to see your Message Log after you make the request for the historical market depth and after about 5 minutes. Follow these instructions to get us your log:
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-08-31 22:08:17]
User465996 - Posts: 7
I have confirmed that Support Downloading Historical Market Depth Data is set to Yes and Max Historical Market Depth Days to Download set to 7 days. Here is the relevant log info. Thanks!

Added historical Market depth data request for ESU21_FUT_CME to the queue. | 2021-08-31 16:48:18.609
Market depth data recording state for symbol ESU21_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'. | 2021-08-31 16:48:18.609
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-08-31 16:48:18.610
HD Request # 35 | Downloading Market depth data for ESU21_FUT_CME. Service: cme.marketdepth | 2021-08-31 16:48:18.610
HD Request # 35 | Download start date-time: 2021-08-27 07:35:00.000000. | 2021-08-31 16:48:18.611
HD Request # 35 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2021-08-31 16:48:18.611
Socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2021-08-31 16:48:18.611
Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2021-08-31 16:48:18.611
Socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2021-08-31 16:48:18.611
HD Request # 35 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2021-08-31 16:48:18.951
HD Request # 35 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2021-08-31 16:48:18.951
HD Request # 35 | Requesting market depth data. Start date-time: 2021-08-27 07:35:00. Symbol: ESU21 | 2021-08-31 16:48:19.608
HD Request # 35 | Decompressing data. | 2021-08-31 16:48:19.741
HD Request # 35 | Receiving market depth data for ESU21_FUT_CME starting at 2021-08-27 07:35:00.068000 | 2021-08-31 16:48:20.732
HD Request # 35 | Truncating file to starting date-time of 2021-08-27 07:35:00.068000 | 2021-08-31 16:48:20.741
HD Request # 35 | Timestamp of first market depth data file record written: 2021-08-27 07:35:00.068000 | 2021-08-31 16:48:25.277
Socket (3) | CloseSocket call. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.716
Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.716
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.723
HD Request # 35 | Received 16272163 Market depth data records from 2021-08-27 07:35:00.068000 to 2021-08-31 16:57:46.636000 (4.4 days) and wrote 16272163 records for ESU21_FUT_CME | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.723
HD Request # 35 | Completion time: 9m 31s | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.723
HD Request # 35 | Market depth data download complete for ESU21_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 36 | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.723
Removing historical data download ID 36. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.723
Real-time market depth file updates started for ESU21_FUT_CME | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.723
Opened cached Depth file: C:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\ESU21_FUT_CME.2021-08-31.depth | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME/ESU21_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Sec #2 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME/ESU21_FUT_CME [CB][M] 1 Min #7 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME[M] 5 Min #21 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME/ESU21_FUT_CME [CB][M] 1024 Trades #17 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME/ESU21_FUT_CME [CB][M] 5 Min #5 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME[M] 2500 Trades #18 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME[M] 2500 Trades #20 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #16 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 30 Min #6 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME [C][M] 1 Day #13 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME [C][M] 10000 Volume #12 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME [C][M] 40 Trades #14 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME [CV][M] #4 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME/MESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1024 Trades #3 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 512 Trades #9 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME[M] 1 Min #10 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 750 Volume #15 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 10000 Volume #22 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME [C][M] 40 Trades #14 | Flagging to reload Intraday data on market depth download completion. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.724
ESU21_FUT_CME [C][M] 10000 Volume #12 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.725
ESU21_FUT_CME [CV][M] #4 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.737
ESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 750 Volume #15 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.806
ESU21_FUT_CME/ESU21_FUT_CME [CB][M] 1024 Trades #17 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.842
Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.879
Socket (3) | Closed. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.879
ESU21_FUT_CME [C][M] 40 Trades #14 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.904
ESU21_FUT_CME[M] 2500 Trades #18 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.918
ESU21_FUT_CME/ESU21_FUT_CME [CB][M] 1 Min #7 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.933
ESU21_FUT_CME/ESU21_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Sec #2 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.975
ESU21_FUT_CME/MESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1024 Trades #3 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:50.060
ESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 30 Min #6 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:50.191
ESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 5 Min #16 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:50.376
ESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 10000 Volume #22 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:50.468
ESU21_FUT_CME [C][M] 1 Day #13 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:50.683
ESU21_FUT_CME[M] 2500 Trades #20 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:50.855
Opened cached Depth file: C:\SierraChart\Data\MarketDepthData\ESU21_FUT_CME.2021-08-31.depth | 2021-08-31 16:57:51.694
+ Loading additional symbol data. | 2021-08-31 16:57:52.743
Chart #2 has tagged chart #12 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:52.864
Chart #2 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:52.864
Chart #2 has tagged chart #6 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:52.864
Chart #2 has tagged chart #9 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:52.864
Chart #18 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:52.970
Chart #18 has tagged chart #9 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:52.970
ESU21_FUT_CME/ESU21_FUT_CME [CB][M] 1 Min #7 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-08-31 16:57:52.984
Chart #7 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:53.175
Chart #7 has tagged chart #9 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:53.175
Loading market depth data. | 2021-08-31 16:57:53.498
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-24 from 2021-08-24 17:00:00.000000 to 2021-08-24 17:51:50.880329. | 2021-08-31 16:57:53.509
ESU21_FUT_CME [C][M] 10000 Volume #12 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-08-31 16:57:53.640
Chart #22 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:53.663
ESU21_FUT_CME [C][M] 40 Trades #14 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-08-31 16:57:53.671
ESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 512 Trades #9 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:54.357
ESU21_FUT_CME [C][M] 40 Trades #14 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:54.441
ESU21_FUT_CME/ESU21_FUT_CME [CB][M] 5 Min #5 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:54.635
Chart #17 has tagged chart #11 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:54.760
Chart #17 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:54.760
Chart #17 has tagged chart #9 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:54.760
Chart #20 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:54.895
ESU21_FUT_CME[M] 1 Min #10 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:55.032
ESU21_FUT_CME[M] 5 Min #21 | Reloading chart. | 2021-08-31 16:57:55.054
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-25 from 2021-08-24 19:48:18.548000 to 2021-08-25 18:59:59.759000. | 2021-08-31 16:57:55.184
+ Loading additional symbol data. | 2021-08-31 16:57:56.934
Loading market depth data. | 2021-08-31 16:57:57.047
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-24 from 2021-08-24 17:00:00.000000 to 2021-08-24 17:51:50.880329. | 2021-08-31 16:57:57.058
Loading market depth data. | 2021-08-31 16:57:57.256
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-24 from 2021-08-24 17:00:00.000000 to 2021-08-24 17:51:50.880329. | 2021-08-31 16:57:57.265
ESU21_FUT_CME [C][M] 40 Trades #14 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-08-31 16:57:57.737
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-26 from 2021-08-25 19:00:00.003000 to 2021-08-26 17:51:10.101631. | 2021-08-31 16:57:58.470
Chart #16 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:58.944
Chart #16 has tagged chart #9 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:57:58.944
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-25 from 2021-08-24 19:48:18.548000 to 2021-08-25 18:59:59.759000. | 2021-08-31 16:57:59.119
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-25 from 2021-08-24 19:48:18.548000 to 2021-08-25 18:59:59.759000. | 2021-08-31 16:57:59.425
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-27 from 2021-08-26 19:40:25.293000 to 2021-08-27 16:00:00.064000. | 2021-08-31 16:58:00.645
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-28 from 2021-08-28 13:51:52.481618 to 2021-08-28 13:51:52.481618. | 2021-08-31 16:58:00.646
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-29 from 2021-08-29 17:00:00.000000 to 2021-08-29 18:59:59.912000. | 2021-08-31 16:58:00.697
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-26 from 2021-08-25 19:00:00.003000 to 2021-08-26 17:51:10.101631. | 2021-08-31 16:58:01.786
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-26 from 2021-08-25 19:00:00.003000 to 2021-08-26 17:51:10.101631. | 2021-08-31 16:58:02.175
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-30 from 2021-08-29 19:00:00.006000 to 2021-08-30 18:59:59.917000. | 2021-08-31 16:58:02.520
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-27 from 2021-08-26 19:40:25.293000 to 2021-08-27 16:00:00.064000. | 2021-08-31 16:58:03.922
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-28 from 2021-08-28 13:51:52.481618 to 2021-08-28 13:51:52.481618. | 2021-08-31 16:58:03.923
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-29 from 2021-08-29 17:00:00.000000 to 2021-08-29 18:59:59.912000. | 2021-08-31 16:58:03.973
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-27 from 2021-08-26 19:40:25.293000 to 2021-08-27 16:00:00.064000. | 2021-08-31 16:58:04.369
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-28 from 2021-08-28 13:51:52.481618 to 2021-08-28 13:51:52.481618. | 2021-08-31 16:58:04.370
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-29 from 2021-08-29 17:00:00.000000 to 2021-08-29 18:59:59.912000. | 2021-08-31 16:58:04.435
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-31 from 2021-08-30 19:00:00.002000 to 2021-08-31 15:59:59.703000. | 2021-08-31 16:58:05.576
ESU21_FUT_CME/MESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1024 Trades #3 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-08-31 16:58:05.605
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-30 from 2021-08-29 19:00:00.006000 to 2021-08-30 18:59:59.917000. | 2021-08-31 16:58:05.812
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-30 from 2021-08-29 19:00:00.006000 to 2021-08-30 18:59:59.917000. | 2021-08-31 16:58:06.187
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-31 from 2021-08-30 19:00:00.002000 to 2021-08-31 15:59:59.703000. | 2021-08-31 16:58:07.838
ESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 512 Trades #9 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00 | 2021-08-31 16:58:07.840
Loaded depth data records for ESU21_FUT_CME 2021-08-31 from 2021-08-30 19:00:00.002000 to 2021-08-31 15:59:59.703000. | 2021-08-31 16:58:08.133
Chart #6 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:58:24.951
Chart #6 has tagged chart #4 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:58:24.951
ESU21_FUT_CME/ESU21_FUT_CME [CB][M] Daily #11 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:58:41.207
Chart #11 has tagged chart #3 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:58:41.207
Chart #11 has tagged chart #4 for full recalculation. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:58:41.207
ESU21_FUT_CME [CV][M] #4 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:58:41.338
ESU21_FUT_CME/MESU21_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1024 Trades #3 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: BasicESChartBook.Cht | 2021-08-31 16:58:41.582
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\NQU21_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 19080 | 2021-08-31 17:00:01.973
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\ESU21_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 19080 | 2021-08-31 17:00:01.974
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\MESU21_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 19080 | 2021-08-31 17:00:01.974
Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChart\Data\MNQU21_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 19080 | 2021-08-31 17:00:01.974
Added historical Daily data request for ESU21_FUT_CME to the queue. | 2021-08-31 17:00:31.528
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-08-31 17:00:31.528
HD Request # 36 | Downloading Historical Daily chart data for ESU21_FUT_CME. Starting date: 2021-08-27. Service: sc_futures.dtc.trading | 2021-08-31 17:00:31.539
Added historical Daily data request for NQU21_FUT_CME to the queue. | 2021-08-31 17:00:31.666
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2021-08-31 17:00:31.666
HD Request # 36 | Requesting historical Daily data for ESU21 starting at 2021-08-26. SC External HD service. | 2021-08-31 17:00:31.963
HD Request # 36 | Receiving historical Daily data for ESU21_FUT_CME starting at 2021-08-27 | 2021-08-31 17:00:32.714
HD Request # 36 | Writing historical Daily data to the file ESU21_FUT_CME.dly | 2021-08-31 17:00:32.715
HD Request # 36 | Bytes received: 242 | 2021-08-31 17:00:32.719
HD Request # 36 | Received 4 Daily data records from 2021-08-27 00:00:00 to 2021-08-31 00:00:00 (5.0 days) and wrote 3 records for ESU21_FUT_CME | 2021-08-31 17:00:32.719
HD Request # 36 | Completion time: 1s | 2021-08-31 17:00:32.719
HD Request # 36 | Daily data download complete for ESU21_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 37 | 2021-08-31 17:00:32.719
Removing historical data download ID 37. | 2021-08-31 17:00:32.719
[2021-09-01 12:55:05]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
Your Message Log is showing that the data is being downloaded and the charts reloaded after the download is completed. It shows that you should have all the data from August 27, 2021 going forward. If you are missing data from that date onward, please attach an image showing the missing data.

One thing we did notice is that you have a couple of charts in which you have the Trade and Current Quote Symbol set the same as the main symbol for the chart. There is no reason to have this. Check chart #s 2, 5, 7, and 17. Refer to the following:
Chart Settings: Trade and Current Quote Symbol (text box) (Chart >> Chart Settings >> Symbol >> Symbol menu)
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-09-02 01:22:32]
User465996 - Posts: 7
Here is the screenshot from the beginning of the gap that does not fill on August 27.


Here is the end of the gap.


At this point I am not actually concerned about what happened on that day, I am just letting you know that there is an issue with the functionality.

Thanks for the info about the extraneous Trade and Current Quote Symbol info. I got that fixed!
[2021-09-02 13:37:01]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
This is very interesting, as your log shows the following:
HD Request # 35 | Received 16272163 Market depth data records from 2021-08-27 07:35:00.068000 to 2021-08-31 16:57:46.636000 (4.4 days) and wrote 16272163 records for ESU21_FUT_CME | 2021-08-31 16:57:49.723

Which is stating that it downloaded Market Depth data starting exactly where you are missing the data.

At this point, as the chart been reloaded (i.e. have you restarted Sierra Chart, or recalculated that chart)? If not, then try selecting Edit >> Reload and Recalculate when that chart is active to ensure that it is pulling in all of the Market Depth data. Let us know if you still have the gap in the data.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-09-03 20:38:37]
User465996 - Posts: 7
I have reloaded and recalculated many times but the gap remains. But I have been able to fill some other gaps using the "Download Depth Data From Date Time" over the past couple of days, so it may just be an issue with the data from that timeframe? But previously I had been having multiple examples of this problem so it may be something more. Thanks for your help. If you need any info from me let know.
[2021-09-03 21:04:59]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38292
It could be an issue with the files for some reason. We store each day's Market Depth in it's own file. You could move that file to another location/name and then try to redownload the data. If it does not work, then you can replace the file back.

But, if it is not going to impact your trading at this point, then we would say to leave it and move forward. If you have the problem again, then let us know.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-10-18 19:40:16]
BrantR - Posts: 12
Hi there. I am having a similar issue to this. I have tried everything listed in this thread as well as others but to no avail. I am unable to fill any gap of missing market depth data that I have not recorded myself. For the longest time did not think it was possible but stumbled across these posts indicating that those areas of empty depth data should have been back filling when downloading data. I have attached a screenshot of today to show what I am seeing.
imageCapture.PNG / V - Attached On 2021-10-18 19:34:40 UTC - Size: 182.32 KB - 167 views
[2021-10-18 21:13:36]
BrantR - Posts: 12
First off, sorry for wasting your time if you have began looking into this. I backed up and deleted the market depth data in the appropriate folder. I then opened a new intraday chart and set it up as directed with adding the study for market depth data. It proceeded to download the required market depth data from the new chartbook. When I now open the old chartbook, in the pic, it reads all the downloaded depth data. I am not sure why it is this way, I very likely have something setup a bit wrong on the chart from Ticino. But I have figured out how to get it to work for me for now. I will try to figure out what I messed up on the Ticino chart. Thanks.

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