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Date/Time: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 22:25:35 +0000

my SC is spontaneously resetting the session times on all my charts.

View Count: 507

[2021-08-03 15:20:30]
User849502 - Posts: 355
Ok, this is way weird. I am part of OFL group and have downloaded many of their studies and charts into my SC and incorporated them into my chartbooks. Certain of their studies are absolutely dependant on have the same session times in the chart settings so I am VERY certain of what they must be. This morning, and now that I think of it it has happened before I thought I had done something, the studies weren't match up with what they were posting in Discord room. I couldn't figure it out as they were working perfectly yesterday. I was going nuts for 10mins thinking why why? then I looked at the chart settings, and the bloody times have all(and that is every chart in the chartbook) gone to what you see attached. I would NEVER EVER use a start time that weird or stupid. It ain't done by my hand. So if ain't done by me, it's done by SC and I think you need to figure out why. I have now gone back are reset every bloody chart to what it should be 17.00.00 start and 15.59.59 end. There is NO evening.

Comments please....
imageclocksresetting.PNG / V - Attached On 2021-08-03 15:19:32 UTC - Size: 105.08 KB - 182 views
Attachment Deleted.
[2021-08-03 16:36:21]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38256
It is definitely not Sierra Chart making that change without a reason.

Refer to the following for reasons why the Session Times might change.

In your case, the most likely candidate is one of the studies that you are using is changing the Session Times. You would need to check with the makers of those studies if they are adjusting the Session Times for any reason.
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