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Date/Time: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 19:57:49 +0000

SC bar time does not match ATP?

View Count: 710

[2021-07-22 20:14:27]
Betterthanamonkey - Posts: 4
Hi there, I'm a newbie using the 15-day free trial and also using ATP. When I compare the SC one-minute bar with ATP I noticed that the SC bar time does not change properly like ATP. For example, if the current one-minute bar (in-process) reads 10:15 and that bar completes at the top of the hour, I assume it is supposed to change to 10:16 and become the prior bar like in ATP. However, it stays at 10:15 so SC is always one-minute behind ATP. At first I thought I might be getting one-minute delayed data but called a friend who has been using SC for a long time and we did a count off over the phone and we are both in sync and he assures me that he has real time data.

Can anyone enlighten me as to what is occuring? Also, is there a way to see the seconds like in ATP? Right now, all I see are the hour and minutes with no seconds.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
[2021-07-22 21:22:05]
58LesPaul - Posts: 429
Where are you seeing this bar time?

Adding the Clock study will show you seconds.

You can also go to Global Settings > Customize chart Header-Standard and add a clock to the chart header that has seconds.
[2021-07-22 22:09:38]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
How do you come to this conclusion:
However, it stays at 10:15

Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2021-07-22 22:10:11]
Betterthanamonkey - Posts: 4
I am seeing it on the NYSE A/D chart but that's the only SC chart I use. What I see in SC is 10:15 (prior bar) and 10:16 (current bar). When the top of the hour hits, I now see 10:16 (prior bar) and 10:17 (current bar). What I see in ATP and other charting services is 10:17 prior bar and 10:17 current bar because it's in process and 60-seconds have not elapsed yet. When the top of the hour hits, the current bar advances by one minute and becomes the prior bar at 10:18 and the new current bar in process shows 10:18 as well. Thus, the SC bars are always one minute behind the same bars on the ATP chart. Is it possible I'm getting one-minute delayed data which would explain it? Or, possible a glitch in the software code?

With respect to the SC engineer, I just hung up the phone with an advanced user who is having this same issue and has not been able to correct it. So, I assume I won't find my answer without help.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-07-23 04:22:13
[2021-07-23 05:36:59]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
There definitely is not a problem at all.

There is a misunderstanding.

Refer to these two sections:
Working With Charts: Time Scale

Chart Session Times: Bar Starting Times
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2021-07-23 14:40:10]
Betterthanamonkey - Posts: 4
After researching your links, I now understand that SC uses the starting time for their chart bars (with 0:59 seconds as their ending time) in lieu of an ending time at the top of the hour (0:60 seconds) like ATP resulting in a one minute discrepancy on all SC historical chart bar times when compared to the real time it actually ocurred. In other words, when I see the 10:01 chart bar in historical data, it is actually the 10:02 chart bar when comparing with ATP.

As of now, I can't seem to find a way to change the SC starting time of the chart bar to the industry standard, ending time of the chart bar (at the top of the hour), whereby the minute advances subsequent to 60 seconds elapsing. If it's there, my apologies in advance.

Question: is there a way to change the SC chart bar time to the ending time, at the top of the hour, so each SC historical chart bar will display the correct real time it actually ocurred?

As to whether it's a problem or not that's subjective. From my point of view, I want to make sure that when I'm performing analysis on SPY using the 10:01 chart bar, on ATP or other charting services, that I can refer to the 10:01 chart bar on SC and feel confident that it's the correct chart bar. Currently, I'm having to add one minute to all SC historical chart bar times to ensure I'm referring to the correct chart bars when compared to ATP and the actual real time the chart bar ocurred. Referring to the wrong chart bar, which would happen if I matched the chart bar times on each service, would result in incorrect analysis and significant losses.
[2021-07-26 18:56:22]
Betterthanamonkey - Posts: 4
I would like to post my final conclusion on this subject after speaking with an institutional trader on this subject as I feel that other users of SC can learn from my experience.

Am I allowed to do this as long as I choose "User Discussion"?
[2021-07-26 19:57:23]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38246
You are correct in that Sierra Chart shows the time of the bars based on the Start time of the bar. There is no option to change this within Sierra Chart.

Feel free to post any other information you find on this topic.
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Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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