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Date/Time: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 04:10:24 +0000

Help with selecting all spread symbols

View Count: 460

[2021-06-15 20:10:50]
SierraFan - Posts: 92
Hi Sierra, I'm creating a quote board of just condor/butterfly spreads in the commodities. Is it possible to select all/copy/paste the symbols. I'm having to select just one and add and go back and do the same process. You have a lot of spreads it would be so convenient to just copy paste into quote board. Is this possible? If not, do you have any suggestions? Thanks

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imageScreenshotquoteboard.jpg / V - Attached On 2021-06-15 20:08:24 UTC - Size: 332.32 KB - 203 views
[2021-06-15 21:22:43]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38222
Sorry, there is not an easier way within Sierra Chart.

But, you can always import a comma delimited file for the QuoteBoard, so if you can find the list of Spreads from another source, you can create the file easy enough and then import it. Refer to the following:
Getting Quotes: Saving/Loading Symbol Lists and Importing Symbols
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