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Support Board

Date/Time: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 19:50:12 +0000

disfonctionnement telechargement pour mise a jour, erreur de paiement, remboursement

View Count: 426

[2021-06-01 12:39:57]
User166863 - Posts: 19
Bonjour Messieurs,

je paye la plateforme 36 dollars par mois, mon broker est Phillip Capital et je j`ai le flux CQG.

1.ma plateforme est obsolete j`essaie de telecharger regulierement depuis 2 mois la version mais c`est un echec... ma version actuelle est 2204...alors que nous sommes a la 2268, vous savez j`envoie des ticket au service de soutien mais je n`ai jamais de reponse... the error message is coming eachtime at the Install process -
2. je ne comprends pas votre votre message, est ce que les traders eurex ont l`obligation de souscrire au denali a 46 dollars par mois ?

3. i paid already 36 dollars 2 weeks ago,,, today i paid 46 dollars but it doesn`t work... i think this 46 dollars is to much, i should paid 10 dollars more, correct ?
Could you please give me back money because i exceeded the prices of the service.

waiting for you reply
[2021-06-01 15:10:53]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38214
From Google Translate:
Hello Gentlemen,

I pay the platform 36 dollars per month, my broker is Phillip Capital and I have the CQG feed.

1. my platform is obsolete I have been trying to download the version regularly for 2 months but it is a failure ... my current version is 2204 ... while we are at 2268, you know I send tickets to the support service but never got a response ... the error message is coming eachtime at the Install process -
2. I don't understand your message, do eurex traders have to subscribe to denali at 46 dollars per month?

3. i paid already 36 dollars 2 weeks ago,,, today i paid 46 dollars but it doesn`t work... i think this 46 dollars is to much, i should paid 10 dollars more, correct ?
Could you please give me back money because i exceeded the prices of the service.

waiting for you reply

1. Sorry, but just sending the installation log does not tell us that you had an issue and that we needed to look at it. You needed to make this post to let us know that you had an issue and then we would look at the log.

From your Installation log, we see the following:
Failed to create folder: C:\Users\moi\Desktop\SierraChartAlexM\DownloadedInstallationFiles\ACS_Source\. Windows error code 5: Accès refusé.

The problem is that you do not have permissions to write to the location that you have selected. Refer to the following information:
Software Download: Resolving 'Access is Denied' Errors

2. If you are wanting to get EUREX data, then you will need to get the data from us. To do this, you would need to be on Package 10, 11, or 12 and then the cost of the exchange is $23.00 per month.

3. You are correct, you did not need to put in the full amount, especially since when you change packages, we do not charge you. But, you will need $23 of the $46 in your account for the exchange fee. And then we recommend just leaving the remainder in your account, as it will be needed for the next renewal.


In order to setup the EUREX data, follow these instructions:
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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