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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:41:03 +0000

[User Discussion] - Suggestion - Alert sounds

View Count: 1149

[2014-03-12 07:28:50]
MotoMoto - Posts: 47
As a suggestion if possible when time allows.(Knowing SC this is already possible :))
I was mucking around with alerts and attaching them to a variety of instruments for a variety of different alerts.
eg; buy EURAUD, sell Nasdaq.

What struck me was that often you repeat the same key words, but for different instruments you need different specific words.

Hence as a double suggestion.....
You could combine alerts and hence minimise the number of individual alerts.
eg; Alert 1=buy, Alert 2= Sell, Alert 3=Break, Alert 4=Warning
Alert 6=Nasdaq, Alert7=Gold, Alert 8=Euro Aussie

Then the actual alert can be applied using combinations. Seems simpler to me with less sounds but more combo possibilities. (but that might just be me)

2) You could attach an alert to a symbol. Hence if you record and use the generic word SymAlert - it adds the current symbol the chart is on as the alert.
Alert1+SymAlert will give the alert "Buy Nasdaq" when the alert is on the Nasdaq chart, or "Buy Gold" when on the Gold chart.

This way you can simply attach Alert1 to a horizontal line, know it says "Buy" and then when its attached to a chart it also tells the user which chart it is alerting on already.

Might be too hard, or not worth it, but it was a passing idea that I think users in more than one isntrument might find easy to manage.
[2014-04-09 11:55:16]
Futures Operator - Posts: 239
+1, would be very useful if specific alerts could be played like this for each symbol.

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