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Date/Time: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 20:37:53 +0000

TransAct Order Routing and Exchange Fees

View Count: 506

[2021-04-28 15:52:18]
User605638 - Posts: 6
Dear Sierra Support,

I have a broker account with Infinity Futures (which is through TransAct). I decided to make the switch to the Denali Exchange Data Feed and set it up per your instructions. I selected the Full CME Group ($3.25) and CME with Market Depth ($10.40). It was better deal than TrnasAct. I just received an email from TransAct saying it is time for me to update my Market Data Subscription Agreement which gives various options just like the Denali exchange (see attachment). My inclination was to select “None” of the exchanges through TranAct since I now have Denali. But my personal rep with with Infinity Futures is insisting I still need to select at least “top of book” (i.e. Full CME Group with no market data) because I need to connect to their data for order routing. Is he feeding me a line or not? That would mean me paying for exchange data twice (it is $4 for this whereas Denali is $3.25). I need someone to give it to me straight since I am not a tech wiz. Thank you in advance in helping us with this transition! I always appreciate what you do!

Also, in this transition of direct payments to Sierra instead of to TranAct, I have been given a new account and user number (User605638). I have actually had several interactions with Sierra Support in the past under an account I had set up a few years ago (User58241). Is there any chance of combining these two into one?


Dan VH
imageData Feed.JPG / V - Attached On 2021-04-28 15:50:29 UTC - Size: 158.96 KB - 200 views
[2021-04-28 16:18:38]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38165
We really do not know what TransAct's rules are on the need to pay for their data in order to be able to place trades. It does seem strange, as we have not heard of this before from anyone else. Hopefully others that use TransAct can give you some insight.


With regards to the accounts you mention, those do not appear to be Sierra Chart accounts. We do not find either of those specific names in our database, nor can we find any other Sierra Chart accounts associated with the email tied to the account from which you posted. If those are TransAct accounts, then you would not have changed Sierra Chart accounts, just the information entered into your local Sierra Chart. So there does not appear to be anything we need to do on our end with this.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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