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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:05:24 +0000

Importing Custom Studies

View Count: 2067

[2021-03-29 22:22:53]
User707404 - Posts: 34
I have some new custom Stduies that I want to use. I have the DLL files, I added them into the SierraChartTransActMA folder and then into the Data folder. But none of them are showing up when I try to sfind them in Custom Studies? How do I fix that? Thanks. Robert
[2021-03-30 13:50:25]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38678
Make sure you are putting them into the correct folder. Go to Global Settings >> General Settings and look at the path for the Data Files Folder. That is where they need to go. It should be the folder you stated, but make sure.

Otherwise, check through the items at this link for other possibilities:
Resolving Custom Study File and Access Issues
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[2022-07-25 02:50:28]
ElRaton07 - Posts: 1
I would just like to add to this thread in case someone else comes across this problem.

** Make sure that the name of the .dll file is not too long.

I had a problem where I added v01_02 to the end of a study file name I created and compiled. The file showed in the \Data folder as expected, but I could not see it when I tried to add it to my chart. I truncated the file name by a few characters and then it showed up.

I may have missed it, but I don't recall seeing that in the literature as a possible reason you don't see the custom study when adding it to a chart.

Thank you

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