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Date/Time: Sun, 23 Feb 2025 18:40:07 +0000

[Programming Help] - replacing stop order with trailing order

View Count: 696

[2021-02-16 20:27:10]
User61576 - Posts: 445
I am entering a position with maket order and a stop
after achieving target 1 I would like to update my stop to trailing stop

as of now, I managed to update my stop to move to b/e but failing with the trailing

this is how I update my stop to be b/e
newStopPrice = mktPrice + (1 * sc.TickSize);//calc of b/e + 1 tick
s_SCNewOrder ModifyOrder;
ModifyOrder.InternalOrderID = mktBuyStop1OrderID;
ModifyOrder.OrderQuantity = totalBuyOrderSubmitted - totalExits;
ModifyOrder.Price1 = newStopPrice;

and this is what I am trying to do with the trailing
s_SCNewOrder ModifyOrder;
ModifyOrder.InternalOrderID = mktBuyStop1OrderID;
ModifyOrder.OrderQuantity = totalBuyOrderSubmitted - totalExits;
ModifyOrder.StopAllOffset = 8 * sc.TickSize;

a practical example will be appreciated

[2021-02-16 23:04:00]
58LesPaul - Posts: 429
I was wondering the same thing. Looks like they could make it possible to edit the active stop like you can with the quantity but instead change the type.

I'm new to SC, may I ask what you do with that code to get it to work? Do you make it a custom Control bar button or how does it work?

[2021-02-17 15:17:53]
User99735 - Posts: 234
No need to modify the order. Check out csf_TradingExample2WithAdvancedAttachedOrders example in tradingsystem.cpp. Both BreakEven and a trailing stop, can be setup as attached orders, when creating the original order.


[2021-02-17 16:05:09]
User61576 - Posts: 445
I saw that example but my order management was written a long time ago and I don't want to rewrite it. just wanted to add an option of trailing stop only after target 1 is filled.

i tried this as well but it's not working:
sc.CancelOrder(mktBuyStop1OrderID);//cancell the original stop order as I can not update it's type                    
  s_SCNewOrder NewOrder;
  NewOrder.OrderQuantity = totalBuyOrderSubmitted - totalExits;
  NewOrder.StopAllOffset = mktPrice + 8 * sc.TickSize;
  NewOrder.AttachedOrderStopAllType = SCT_ORDERTYPE_TRAILING_STOP;
  NewOrder.TrailStopStepPriceAmount = mktPrice + 4 * sc.TickSize;
  int Result = (int)sc.SellEntry(NewOrder);

I will be happy to learn what I am doing wrong
[2021-02-19 15:44:55]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 1012
You don't need to cancel the stop order, nor change its type. All you need to do is save the StopOrderID as a persistent variable after it is filled (Result > 0). Later, to move the stop, you use sc.ModifyOrder() to change the Price1 of the StopOrderID.
[2021-02-20 17:02:29]
User61576 - Posts: 445
s_SCNewOrder TrailOrder;
TrailOrder.OrderQuantity = totalBuyOrderSubmitted - totalExits;
TrailOrder.Price1 = target1Price - 10 * sc.TickSize;

the above works.

I was missing the OrderType

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