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Date/Time: Sat, 22 Feb 2025 09:03:32 +0000

[User Discussion] - Replicate LULD for stocks

View Count: 635

[2021-01-28 14:33:21]
User742917 - Posts: 5
*** This is not meant to be a support request for SC staff but rather a user discussion for anyone interested ***

Hello folks, since there is no good answer on the topic I'm considering working on a method to replicate the LULD levels on a chart since SC does not provide official support for it (if SC engineers are reading *wink wink).

So let's say you have EG the color bar based on alert, you could set it something like the following:

AND (C < AVERAGE(C[-5:-1])*1.20, ID11.SG1 > 3,
AND(BARTIME > TIME(9, 30, 0), BARTIME < TIME(15, 45, 0)) ),
AND (C < AVERAGE(C[-5:-1])*1.10, ID11.SG1 > 3,
AND(BARTIME > TIME(09, 45, 0), BARTIME < TIME(15, 35, 0)) ),
AND (C < AVERAGE(C[-5:-1])*1.20, ID11.SG1 > 3,
AND(BARTIME > TIME(15, 35, 0), BARTIME < TIME(16, 0, 0)) ),
AND (C < AVERAGE(C[-5:-1])*1.40, ID11.SG1 < 3,
AND(BARTIME > TIME(9, 30, 0), BARTIME < TIME(15, 45, 0)) ),
AND (C < AVERAGE(C[-5:-1])*1.20, ID11.SG1 < 3,
AND(BARTIME > TIME(9, 45, 0), BARTIME < TIME(15, 35, 0)) ),
AND (C < AVERAGE(C[-5:-1])*1.40, ID11.SG1 < 3,
AND(BARTIME > TIME(15, 35, 0), BARTIME < TIME(16, 0, 0)) ) )

it checks the current price against the average in the past 5 minutes, with 10% or 20% levels depending on which time of the day we are, the price multiples here are for tier 2 stocks (small cap lets say), if you're are a large cap trader divide the levels by 2.
ID11 (in this example) is the last day's close, since the levels change if it is < or > 3.

It is in no way perfect since it is more complicated than this (see here: https://www.nasdaqtrader.com/content/MarketRegulation/LULD_FAQ.pdf where it says "Q: How are the reference price(s) that establish the trading bands going to be set?") but I'm unaware of how to render it within SC alertbox language.

It is a 0.1 version so not definitive at all, all feedback is welcome!

Have a great day.

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