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Date/Time: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 20:04:35 +0000

DTC server sends unnecessary SECURITY_DEFINITION_RESPONSE messages

View Count: 546

[2020-12-22 22:05:23]
User41727 - Posts: 124
When I am sending a MARKET_DATA_REQUEST of type "snapshot" for a valid symbol, the server first responds with a huge number of SECURITY_DEFINITION_RESPONSE messages for completely unrelated symbols, ostensibly every one that has an active RT subscription to the data service. Only afterwards does it send the correct MARKET_DATA_SNAPSHOT.

Is this the expected behaviour? Because according to the specification:

If the Client has subscribed to a valid symbol, the Server will respond immediately with a MARKET_DATA_SNAPSHOT message, providing as many of the message fields as possible.

And if this is expected, then is there a way to avoid this, as it creates huge, and entirely unnecessary, overhead?

SC version: 2208
[2020-12-23 03:26:33]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Definitely there is no functionality like this. When requesting market data, there is no security definition sent in response at all.

Maybe there is a connection to the data feed at the time market data is being requested and then there is automatically security definitions being sent for unrelated symbols because you have this option enabled:
Global Settings >> Sierra Chart Server Settings >> DTC Protocol Server >> Auto Send Security Definition for New Symbols. Disable that.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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