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Date/Time: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 14:14:31 +0000

Help Updating from VERY Old Version

View Count: 831

[2020-12-11 04:56:30]
drywater0 - Posts: 85
Long time SC user but out of markets since late 2019. Currently running version 1941 32-bit (27570:27571M) on a 2 year old desktop with good specs using IB data feed.

After reviewing What's New Change Log, I realize there have been a lot of important upgrades: (1) New Chartbook file format (2) Millisecond time stamping (3) No further updates to 32-bit SC version.

What is the safest approach to transition to the most recent 64-bit version?
(A) Download the current version from the Help Menu? Or will this only provide an update to the last 32-bit version?
(B) Install a fresh 64-bit version of SC in a different folder? Don't mind if it requires re-downloading data, but I really want to avoid re-building my chartbooks.
(C) Do you recommend a different strategy?

Appreciate your guidance as I wasn't able to find a prior Support Thread that addressed this issue.
[2020-12-11 09:27:51]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Is your operating system 64-bit? That is the first thing we need to know.

And generally a safe approach with updating from an old version is to update to a version somewhere with in the middle of the version range: the version you are currently using and the current version. All versions are available:
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[2020-12-11 15:28:23]
drywater0 - Posts: 85
Appreciate the quick reply!

Yes, I'm running Windows 10, 64-bit O/S, x64-based processor (i9-7940X CPU @ 3.10 GHz)

I would like to upgrade from SC version 1941 32-bit (27570:27571M) to the current 64-bit SC in the safest way possible. Don't mind re-downloading data but want to avoid re-building my chartbooks. Many thanks in advance.
[2020-12-11 16:11:44]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37916
Since you have a 64-bit computer, you will be able to run the 64-bit Sierra Chart, so that is not a problem.

The only other question is whether you use custom studies, either made by you or by a 3rd party? If so, do you know if these have been updated for the changes in time stamping?

You will find some information on this change in the first bullet point in this section of the Release Notes:
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-12-14 06:17:06
[2020-12-11 21:11:35]
drywater0 - Posts: 85
Yes, thank you for checking. I do have a custom study for drawing that has been updated by a 3rd party and tested on their end.

Now I want to get on the same page, and upgrade from SC version 1941 32-bit (27570:27571M) to the current 64-bit SC in the safest manner possible. I think these are my options so please let me know what you recommend.

(A) Use "Download Current Version" from Help Menu? Or would this only provide an update to the last 32-bit version whereas I want to transition to 64-bit?
(B) Start from scratch by installing a new 64-bit version of SC in a different folder? If this means re-downloading data, I don't mind but really want to avoid re-building my chartbooks.
(C) Something else?

Appreciate your help.
[2020-12-11 21:45:26]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37916
Your best option is (A). It will only download the 64-bit Sierra Chart, since that is the only one available.

Note that after you update, when Sierra Chart starts up again it will be the 64-bit version, since that is the only option with the current release.

If you have any shortcuts setup to launch Sierra Chart, you will need to update those to launch the 64-bit version after the update.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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