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Date/Time: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 11:00:22 +0000

Account Reminder

View Count: 586

[2020-12-07 09:41:25]
Airikr - Posts: 7
Hi Support Team

I have received the mail which I left you as an image in the attachment several times now. The account AC135032 was linked to my account (this account). I have already purchased a Service Package via my account. Therefore I wanted to ask what the mail is about? Can I ignore the mail or do I have to do something?

Best Regards
imagesierra-mail.jpg / V - Attached On 2020-12-07 09:41:14 UTC - Size: 108.58 KB - 210 views
[2020-12-07 15:59:04]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37916
You have two accounts. The one you posted from and the one named AC135032.

The account AC135032 will automatically expire on December 10, 2020. That is why you are receiving the emails related to that account. Since you are no longer using that account, you can ignore the emails related to it and just let it expire on the 10th. There is nothing else you need to do with it.
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[2020-12-07 17:17:59]
Airikr - Posts: 7
I am a little confused. I asked the Sierra Support a couple of days ago to change the Affialiate ID from the AC135032 account to my current account because I only need this account. When I saw that the two accounts were linked, I thought that I can now trade from my account. However, as I understand it now, I will lose the possibility to trade live when the account AC135032 expires on December 10, 2020.

Do I understand this correctly? If yes, can you change the AMP Affiliate ID from the AC135032 account to my current account?
[2020-12-07 17:42:34]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37916
No, you are not understanding correctly. You also have an AMP account named AC135032, which is completely separate from your Sierra Chart account named AC135032.

The AMP trading account AC135032 is correctly tied to your eric.escurriola Sierra Chart Account. Therefore, you are able to trade from your eric.escurriola account through AMP for that AMP account.

The other Sierra Chart Account - AC135032 can be ignored.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-12-07 17:49:51]
Airikr - Posts: 7
Many thanks for the explanation :)

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