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Date/Time: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 10:36:45 +0000

Roll over suddenly not back adjusted

View Count: 644

[2020-12-02 20:41:09]
Mattthespaniard - Posts: 41
As the picture attached shows, Sierra Chart Build 2192 is not back adjusting my HGH21_FUT_COMEX continuous contract. Even better, it was back adjusted and then, all of a sudden it's not plotting it correctly on screen. All this meanwhile other instruments under the same configuration are showing fine in the same workspace. Weird !

Can you guys please help ? I've tried deleting the last 7 days and reloading but no success. I've also noticed that the Intraday Data Editor shows records are back adjusted but on screen they are not.

[2020-12-02 21:38:40]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37916
Follow these instructions to delete and download the data for the Continuous Futures Contract. Make sure you delete back to and including the contract where you are seeing the problem.
Continuous Futures Contract Charts: Re-Downloading Continuous Futures Contract Data
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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