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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 21:19:41 +0000

HIGH/LOWS for Time Period-Study

View Count: 542

[2020-11-15 15:16:04]
Dietmar - Posts: 5
I constructed a HIGH/LOW Study for time period 8:30:00 to 8:34:59 (Choicago time ) for ES to see the HIGH and LOW LINEs for this time period on my 1 min chart.
If I change the chart settings to 15 min- BARS (to see a bigger timespan of the whole day) the lines show me HIGH and LOW for the first 15 minutes on my chart, although I let the parameters within the HIGH/LOW FOR TIME PERIOD - STUDY as they were....
How can I Print a HIGH AND LOW of those 5 minutes onto my 15 min Chart?
Do I have to add a second (hidden) chart into the same window of my 15 min Chart with 5 min BArs- and calculate the HIGH/LOW from the bars of the 5 min chart?
How can I add a second chart into a given chart window.....?
Thank you!
[2020-11-15 23:56:22]
Flipper_2 - Posts: 57
Yes add another chart with the bar period you need and then add the High/Low study. Then you add this study to your first chart to reference and display the H/L

[2020-11-16 18:05:07]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Post #2 is correct and we have updated the documentation here about this:

High/Low for Time Period - Extended
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-11-16 18:05:23

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