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Date/Time: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 20:14:50 +0000

alert aounds only play default bing sound

View Count: 430

[2020-09-21 17:51:23]
Scott Parker - Posts: 9
SO I have noticed that you have audible alert settings for everything that is possible to have a audible alert signal.
Some of them I have no idea why you have a audible alert sound for.
My question: How do I get a chart to play audible alert number 200 on the knoxville Divergence indicator.
I have set the Knoxville indicator to alert sound 200. It plays the default bing sound.
I have saved and shut down SC. It still plays the default bing sound.
I have disabled the alert notification in every thing I can find. Indicators, chart settings. Still hear default.
Im thinking you probably in your spare time added audible alert in 20 other places and one of those
is playing the audible alert default and over riding my Knoxivlle audible alert 200.
Maybe you could provide a list of the 100 places to set the audible alert.
[2020-09-21 17:56:10]
Scott Parker - Posts: 9
I followed your written documentation regarding how to install your own custom wave file and
link it to a alert number. I have tested the sound files that are attached in the custom
alert signal window. SO I know they work.
[2020-09-21 18:39:50]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37886
Refer to the information in this section for troubleshooting alerts not playing. It will also give you things to check for why it is not playing the sound you are expecting.
General Settings Window: Troubleshooting for Alert Sounds That Do Not Play
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