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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 02:36:37 +0000

Receiving Delayed Data in Sub instance

View Count: 667

[2020-09-14 11:53:44]
User12089 - Posts: 365
there were some previous recent posts by other people about lagging market data - SC responded to that, that they will revert too previous network socket buffer implementation etc etc - hence v2166 - however as of today, still lagging market data present

setup - 3 SC instances all v2166 (ie the very latest one)

SC instance 1 connected to SC denali ie it is the main instance - no lagging market data

SC instance 2 - sub-instance connected to 1 - no lagging market data

SC instance 3 - sub-instance connected to 1 - lagging at exactly 10 min - doesnt get resolved even when i connect/disconnect it and even restart it
[2020-09-14 14:09:09]
User90125 - Posts: 715
Try v2167. It seems to have been addressed in the latest update.
[2020-09-14 23:04:27]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This is a case of delayed market data. This is not considered lagging market data.

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-09-14 23:04:43

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