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Date/Time: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 13:53:39 +0000

How to Daily OHLC to Prior Evening Session

View Count: 1036

[2020-09-07 17:59:37]
User450463 - Posts: 128
I have a TPO chart, and have selected "Exclude Evening Session Profile Except for Last". In other words, there is one evening session on the chart and many RTH sessions. It's Monday morning, and I want an OHLC study to apply to SUNDAY EVENING. I choose the 'Daily OHLC' study. When I set "Reference Days Back" to 0, it applies the study to the current day RTH (Monday morning). When I set "Reference Days Back" to 1, it applies the study to the Friday RTH session.

How do I get a High and Low to show up for the Sunday evening session on Monday morning? Or the Monday evening sesssion on Tuesday morning, and so on and so forth.

Daily OHLC settings attached.

imageDaily OHLC.JPG / V - Attached On 2020-09-07 17:59:18 UTC - Size: 103.47 KB - 253 views
[2020-09-07 22:17:29]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
To do what you want, you would need to use the High/Low for Time Period - Extended study. This will allow you to set the times for the evening session to create the extended lines into the day session. If you want to have all 4 lines (Open, High, Low, and Close/Last) then you would need to use 2 copies of the study and change the appropriate Inputs and colors for the lines.

Refer to the documentation for the study here:
High/Low for Time Period - Extended
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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