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Date/Time: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 12:13:45 +0000

Delayed Data question

View Count: 591

[2020-07-10 10:24:34]
User92573 - Posts: 541
Dear Support

I am shortly moving to the SC real-time data feed (and Denali) but at this time along with the CFD data I'm also using the delayed data for US markets (CME Group etc).
I've read some of the related articles which are really helpful and appreciate the data is typically delayed 10min 10secs. However I have 4 quick questions when your time allows:

1) As the .scid file will be recording the delayed prices using current (UTC London) time what will occur when the symbol and .scid access real-time data - as obviously the ESM20.scid delayed data file will have the same file name as the real-time?

2) Will I need to delete all contracts that have previously been downloaded and recreate the .scid files again?

3) Are the prior rolled contracts from prior years also gate stamped with the delayed time or are they created from real-time non-delayed data with the only delay being on the current open contracts?

4) I apologise for this question as I haven't yet read through the relevant support information. My PC is set to UTC London so am I right in thinking if I set the session times to PIT as opposed to Globex that these times would also be in the comparable UTC London time?

As always many thanks in advance for your assistance and for providing such great support.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-07-10 14:08:31
[2020-07-11 00:35:40]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how the delayed data is displayed in the system. The delayed data is shown at the time that the data is actually for. Therefore, your chart will display the most recent data as 10 minutes and 10 seconds behind the real time.

Therefore, if you go from Delayed to Real-Time data, the missing data will fill in as historical intraday data. Conversely, if you go from Real-Time to Delayed data, there will be a pause in the data updating for 10 minutes and 10 seconds until it "catches up" to the data that is in the system.

The data is all stored in the same .scid files. There is nothing you need to do with regards to these files when changing back/forth between Real-Time and Delayed data.

Refer to the following with regards to time zones and the settings:
Time Zone Setting
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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