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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 10:50:31 +0000


View Count: 1895

[2020-06-25 02:28:35]
Meklon - Posts: 223

Would it be possible to add a new study to the list of available Moving Averages? Specifically, WEVOMO - Weight Volume Move-Adjusted Moving Average.

It is available in many other platforms, but not on Sierra. Simple standard feature of coloring this WEVOMO MA based on the slope would be very helpful.

Thank you.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-06-25 02:29:11
[2020-06-25 06:18:12]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18725
We will see about this.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-06-25 13:07:47]
Meklon - Posts: 223
Thank you Support!

This should be relatively easy to add and very helpful to many people.
[2020-06-25 22:00:49]
SC Support Tom - Posts: 450
Hello, please verify that this is the correct formula. If so then it should be easy for us to create in Sierra Chart.

[2020-06-26 01:00:40]
Meklon - Posts: 223
Hello Support,

Thank you for your prompt response.

I also have conducted extensive research on my own in order to verify the correct formula for calculation of WEVOMO and this website you referencing was the best definition I was able to come across.

To the best of my knowledge and understanding these formulas and explanations are correct. Although, I was not able to locate the official definition.


[2020-06-26 20:11:38]
SC Support Tom - Posts: 450
Hi again, I have tracked down the original article (attached) where this indicator first appeared. I will check the formulas against the one in the website in Post #4 and get started on this.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-06-26 20:12:34
attachment_V23_C04_081BISS.pdf - Attached On 2020-06-26 20:12:16 UTC - Size: 7.67 MB - 710 views
[2020-06-26 20:53:52]
Meklon - Posts: 223
This article contains great information, thank you again for going extra mile and doing the leg work to find the source. I know how responsibly Sierra Support takes development and fully trust that you will be able to implement this correctly!

Have a great weekend!

[2020-06-30 01:24:47]
SC Support Tom - Posts: 450
I have submitted to Sierra Chart Engineering the completed code for 3 different moving averages found in the article in Post #6.

* Move-Adjusted Moving Average (MOMA)
* Volume Move-Adjusted Moving Average (VOMOMA)
* Weight Volume Move-Adjusted Moving Average (WEVOMO)

There is a fourth moving average in the article, namely Volume Moving Average (VOMA), but I did not program that one because it is mathematically identical to our study Volume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA), documented here:

Moving Average - Volume Weighted
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-06-30 01:25:21
[2020-06-30 01:38:44]
User90125 - Posts: 715
I have submitted to Sierra Chart Engineering the completed code for 3 different moving averages found in the article in Post #6.

* Move-Adjusted Moving Average (MOMA)
* Volume Move-Adjusted Moving Average (VOMOMA)
* Weight Volume Move-Adjusted Moving Average (WEVOMO)

When implemented in SC, will the source codes (.cpp) be made available for all users as well?

[2020-06-30 01:46:59]
Meklon - Posts: 223
Tom, this is awesome, thank you so much for all your efforts!

Do you know when this possible may be released?


Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-06-30 01:49:07
[2020-06-30 16:53:44]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38516
The new Moving Averages will be available in the next Pre-Release (v 2130).

The source code will be located in the file Studies6.cpp in the ACS_Source directory under the main Sierra Chart installation directory after the update to that version.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-06-30 17:04:14]
Meklon - Posts: 223
Thanks for the update John!
[2020-07-02 08:08:56]
SC Support Tom - Posts: 450
The documentation for the 3 new studies has been uploaded here:

Moving Average - Move-Adjusted
Moving Average - Volume Move-Adjusted
Moving Average - Weight Volume Move-Adjusted
[2020-07-02 09:59:58]
User90125 - Posts: 715
To SC Support Tom:

Would it be possible to consider the same type of coding and implementation for the Schaff Trend Cycle, as shown, with documentation, in the post here:

Please Consider a Native Version of the Schaff Trend Cycle

To SC Engineering:

Given your workload, would it be possible to assign Tom to this project (Schaff Trend Cycle), if users would be willing to help cover the costs? RSVP.

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-07-02 22:48:24
[2020-07-02 13:29:54]
Meklon - Posts: 223
Great work SC Support, thank you so much for such a quick turn around on this request!!!
[2020-07-13 05:36:56]
User90125 - Posts: 715
Any update on the request in post #14?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-07-13 08:40:01
[2020-07-16 20:40:09]
SC Support Tom - Posts: 450
I am almost finished with the Schaff Trend Cycle. I am just testing the math, and then I will turn it in to Sierra Chart Engineering.
[2020-07-18 15:29:37]
User90125 - Posts: 715
Thank you for taking the time to work on this, Tom. Looking forward to seeing the finished version.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-07-18 15:30:19
[2020-08-04 07:24:55]
SC Support Tom - Posts: 450
The study Schaff Trend Cycle is available in the current version of Sierra Chart.

It is documented here:

Schaff Trend Cycle
[2022-03-23 19:23:35]
Ken Smith - Posts: 58
Im trying to determine which of the vol weighted ma's is the equivalent of WEVOMO?

[2022-03-23 19:30:52]
SC Support Tom - Posts: 450

Im trying to determine which of the vol weighted ma's is the equivalent of WEVOMO?

It is Moving Average - Weight Volume Move-Adjusted.
[2022-03-24 00:12:51]
Ken Smith - Posts: 58
How can I make a moving avg change color when it is either moving up or down....ie: Hull green on up slope and red on down slope?

[2022-03-24 06:25:59]
User585104 - Posts: 148
Go to the indicator settings and click auto colouring and set it to based on slope

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