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Date/Time: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 00:18:23 +0000

Convert Ninja Custom UniRenko bar type to Sierra Charts

View Count: 1619

[2020-06-19 02:53:22]
User701453 - Posts: 176
Anyone have the skill to assist with converting this ninja bar type to sierra??

using NinjaTrader.Cbi;
using NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart;
using NinjaTrader.Gui.Design;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace NinjaTrader.Data
[NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.DisplayName("GT Uni Renko")]
public class GTUniRenko : BarsType
private int barDirection;
private double barMax;
private double barMin;
private double barOpen;
private double fakeOpen;
private bool maxExceeded;
private bool minExceeded;
private double offset;
private double openOffset;
private static bool registered = BarsType.Register(new GTUniRenko());
private double reversalOffset;
private double tickSize;
private int tmpCount;
private double trendOffset;

public GTUniRenko() : base(PeriodType.Custom5)
//---------------------------------------------^^^^^^^ to customize...
this.tickSize = 0.01;

public override void Add(Bars bars, double open, double high, double low, double close, DateTime time, long volume, bool isRealtime)
this.offset = (bars.Period.Value + bars.Period.BasePeriodValue) * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
if ((bars.Count < this.tmpCount) && (bars.Count > 0))
this.barMax = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1) + this.offset;
this.barMin = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 1) - this.offset;
if ((bars.Count != 0) && !bars.IsNewSession(time, isRealtime))
Bar bar2 = (Bar) bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
if ((this.barMax == 0.0) || (this.barMin == 0.0))
this.trendOffset = bars.Period.Value * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
this.reversalOffset = bars.Period.Value2 * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
this.openOffset = Math.Ceiling((double) (bars.Period.BasePeriodValue * 1.0)) * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
if (bars.Count == 1)
this.barMax = bar2.Open + this.trendOffset;
this.barMin = bar2.Open - this.trendOffset;
else if (bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) > bars.GetOpen(bars.Count - 2))
this.barMax = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) + this.trendOffset;
this.barMin = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) - (this.trendOffset * 2.0);
this.barMax = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) + (this.trendOffset * 2.0);
this.barMin = bars.GetClose(bars.Count - 2) - this.trendOffset;
this.maxExceeded = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, this.barMax) > 0;
this.minExceeded = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.Compare(close, this.barMin) < 0;
if (!this.maxExceeded && !this.minExceeded)
base.UpdateBar(bars, bar2.Open, (close > bar2.High) ? close : bar2.High, (close < bar2.Low) ? close : bar2.Low, close, time, volume, isRealtime);
double num2 = this.maxExceeded ? Math.Min(close, this.barMax) : (this.minExceeded ? Math.Max(close, this.barMin) : close);
this.barDirection = this.maxExceeded ? 1 : (this.minExceeded ? -1 : 0);
this.fakeOpen = num2 - (this.openOffset * this.barDirection);
base.UpdateBar(bars, bar2.Open, this.maxExceeded ? num2 : bar2.High, this.minExceeded ? num2 : bar2.Low, num2, time, volume, isRealtime);
this.barOpen = close;
this.barMax = num2 + ((this.barDirection > 0) ? this.trendOffset : this.reversalOffset);
this.barMin = num2 - ((this.barDirection > 0) ? this.reversalOffset : this.trendOffset);
base.AddBar(bars, this.fakeOpen, this.maxExceeded ? num2 : this.fakeOpen, this.minExceeded ? num2 : this.fakeOpen, num2, time, volume, isRealtime);
this.tickSize = bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
if (bars.Period.Value >= 1000000)
string str = bars.Period.Value.ToString("000000000");
int result = 0;
int.TryParse(str.Substring(0, 3), out result);
bars.Period.Value = result;
result = 0;
int.TryParse(str.Substring(3, 3), out result);
bars.Period.Value2 = result;
result = 0;
int.TryParse(str.Substring(6, 3), out result);
bars.Period.BasePeriodValue = result;
if (bars.Count != 0)
Bar bar = (Bar) bars.Get(bars.Count - 1);
base.AddBar(bars, bar.Close, bar.High, bar.Low, bar.Close, bar.Time, bar.Volume, isRealtime);
this.trendOffset = bars.Period.Value * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
this.reversalOffset = bars.Period.Value2 * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
this.openOffset = Math.Ceiling((double) (bars.Period.BasePeriodValue * 1.0)) * bars.Instrument.MasterInstrument.TickSize;
this.barOpen = close;
this.barMax = this.barOpen + (this.trendOffset * this.barDirection);
this.barMin = this.barOpen - (this.trendOffset * this.barDirection);
base.AddBar(bars, this.barOpen, this.barOpen, this.barOpen, this.barOpen, time, volume, isRealtime);
bars.LastPrice = close;
this.tmpCount = bars.Count;

public override void ApplyDefaults(BarsData barsData)
barsData.Period.Value = 2;
barsData.Period.Value2 = 4;
barsData.Period.BasePeriodValue = 2;
barsData.DaysBack = 2;

public override string ChartDataBoxDate(DateTime time)
return time.ToString(NinjaTrader.Cbi.Globals.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern);

public override string ChartLabel(ChartControl chartControl, DateTime time)
return time.ToString(chartControl.LabelFormatTick, NinjaTrader.Cbi.Globals.CurrentCulture);

public override object Clone()
return new GTUniRenko();

public override int GetInitialLookBackDays(Period period, int barsBack)
return 15;

public override double GetPercentComplete(Bars bars, DateTime now)
return 0.0;

public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, Period period, Attribute[] attributes)
PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = base.GetProperties(propertyDescriptor, period, attributes);
properties.Remove(properties.Find("BasePeriodType", true));
properties.Remove(properties.Find("PointAndFigurePriceType", true));
properties.Remove(properties.Find("ReversalType", true));
NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute.SetDisplayName(properties, "Value2", "\r\rTick \r\rReversal");
NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute.SetDisplayName(properties, "Value", "\r\rTick \r\r\rTrend");
NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute.SetDisplayName(properties, "BasePeriodValue", "\r\rTick \rOpen Offset");
return properties;

public override string ToString(Period period)
return string.Concat(new object[] { period.Value, " GTUniRenko", period.Value, "R", period.Value2 });

public override PeriodType BuiltFrom
return PeriodType.Tick;

public override int DefaultValue
return 4;

public override string DisplayName
return "GTUniRenko";

public override bool IsIntraday
return true;

[2020-06-19 18:35:20]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
The relevant documentation for this is here:
ACSIL Interface - Custom Chart Bars

Also it really is next to impossible to make any sense of that code and adapt it to Sierra Chart. That would be a monumental waste of time and effort.

It is even beyond our abilities to do that.

Sierra Chart already has Renko bars:
Renko Bar Charts
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-06-19 18:36:31

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