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Date/Time: Mon, 31 Mar 2025 21:14:22 +0000

Bitcoin Market Data Feed is Now Available

View Count: 44864

[2013-11-28 08:21:11]
oyvinds - Posts: 28
Bitstamp updates fine again, thanks (if you did something, perhaps Bitstamp just got their act together for now).

Have you guys considered adding OKCoin to Sierra? It's the second biggest exchange in China by volume and it's got both LTC and BTC.


BTW, do take a look around at bitcoinwisdom and bitcoinity (and rtbtc). SierraChart is excellent but it's extremely limited, lacking and behind the times when it comes to modern currencies. Take a look which markets the free alternatives offer. And take a glane at http://btckan.com/price to get an idea of which BTC market actually matter today (hint: many still think that clowncar MtGox where you can't evne withdraw fiat is relevant today, it's not).

I realize this would cost you time / money. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wouldn't mind paying a slightly higher fee for BTC feeds - if Sierra actually offered what BTC traders need these days (the basic btc-feeds-only subscription is pocket change, I wouldn't be upset if it cost a cup of coffee instead of half a cup per month)
[2013-11-28 10:04:42]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We have changed nothing with BitStamp.

Limited, lacking and behind the times in regards to what specifically?

We would assume the following:
-Need to support trading on more bitcoin exchanges
-Need to support more bitcoin data feeds
-Need to support streaming data feed from the exchanges, if available.

We will bring online OKCoin in the next few days.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2013-11-28 10:08:18
[2013-11-28 10:27:25]
oyvinds - Posts: 28
:-) Perhaps I sounded a bit harsh. Don't get me wrong, Sierra is the king of charting software and I do love it. It's just that the BTC world changes very fast and a few months go by and suddenly the whole game as changed. Like, I wasn't looking for a second and bam the BTC and LTC volume exploded in China (they've got five exchanges that are bigger than the biggest western market now).

You're right in your assumptions. :)

Also very nice to see that do add stuff like OKCoin within a week from me asking, I know of NO software provider who goes to your length in satisfying customers (even people like me) this fast. :)

Keep up the good work. I really appreciate it even if I perhaps (now that I read my above post) sound a bit.. rude? sometimes.

Bitfinex and ChBTC and HuoBi support would be cool too, but I don't know how many of your customers would actually look at them. "Limited, lacking and behind the times", I guess another way to say it is that the free BTC charting sites add (and remove as they die) strange exchanges very frequently and therefore offer a lot more market data. But, of course, if we compare charting tools and the power Sierra has then bitcoinwisdom is basically a joke compared to it.
[2013-11-28 23:15:55]
TastyRisk - Posts: 119
Can anyone outside PRC even trade on these Chinese exchanges ?
[2013-12-13 17:27:19]
User31244 - Posts: 8
Please add more currency pairs to BTC-e. Specifically, PPC would be awesome. It is 3rd behind BTC and LTC in market cap, and has defining features that make it a cryptocurrency worth investing in. It is not just a copycat with minor tweaks like 99% of the altcoins.
[2013-12-13 18:14:52]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This is already available. You will find it under the service named Bitcoin Data (All Services). We will also add it to the Bitcoin Data (BTCE) service.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2014-01-10 21:34:37]
joesmoe - Posts: 1
How come no LTC/USD?

I see all the other relevant pairs from BTC-e but no LTC/USD...?

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