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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Feb 2025 12:24:24 +0000

[User Discussion] - Sim trade activity log

View Count: 486

[2020-04-27 18:33:36]
User730562 - Posts: 7

I'm not getting any simulated profit/loss data from my recent sim trades (all the ones from today, 4/27). I was getting them previously when I was randomly putting in orders just to test out the automated strategies as I was setting them up. As we can see there is no "Exit" time. Not sure what is going on.

Also, in the same picture we can see some orders that entered 4/24 and exited 4/27. I do not understand that as those test "orders" were almost immediately cancelled after being placed. I continue to have a working orders overlay box on my chart, so I believe my orders are not being cancelled?

Thanks for the help
imageex6.PNG / V - Attached On 2020-04-27 18:32:37 UTC - Size: 117.78 KB - 230 views
[2020-04-27 19:19:38]
User730562 - Posts: 7
Okay, so update, I was supposed to "Flatten" my orders. So I know that now.

Still I am wondering why the Profit/loss data didn't register immediately after filling orders for the last trades from today, 4/27 (these orders were not nullified). Once I clicked "Flatten," all the data was entered.

Why is that?

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